The Island Village

By the northern shore of the largest island lies the only real settlement on the Isles. All families on the isles have their winter home in the settlement, but many spend lot of times in other areas during the rest of the year. The settlement is surrounded by a low wall, mostly meant to keep the wind and wildlife outside. The settlement is also surrounded by shallow rivers, with fresh water.   All houses are one story buildings with a "loft" where the people sleeps. The houses are made out of stone, with stone roofs. Everything made out of lumber have been imported. Most utensitiles are made out of clay, which is abundant.A large house is empty but well kept, it is the counts home and are used by important visitors such as the riakr when he visits.   The most common firewood is dried "poop" from the domesticted animals. The kids collect them and dry them.   There is a small church but no riark on the islands. One riark comes there irregular to hold mass and check on the populations faith.  
  • Pierre the smith: Apart from being the only smith on the island Pierre is also known to be unlucky, to the level of being the target off many friendly jokes. All on the island respects him and know that he will take his time to talk to as many involved in an issue before making a ruling. Pierre is a decent craftsman and he ives with his small family in his workshop.
  • Gillian the fisherman: He leads the largest family on the island and he makes decisions on when, who and where to fish. He takes fishing very seriosly and considers the bounty from the sea the most valuable commodity of the island. He truly believes the community should invest its earnings in more fishing equipment and build real drying houses. It won´t be cheap but it will pay itself in a couple of years. He would like to get rid of the wyvern, but keep it fed by leaving a dead seal oon the island now and then. Gillian is known for not liking animals and they do not like him either. The sheep herders usually points this out in discussions that if Gillian where to decide there would be no sheps on the island.
  • Bonn the sheep herder: Bonn leads the large family who are responsible for sheep herding, cheese and wool production on the island. They have always been important and influental as the products are important for the islands inhabitants. And the dung of the sheeps are turned into firewood. He is also very conservative and thinks how they always have fished have suited them well and resents the new and expensive ways Gillian want to go. He knows if more inhabitants goes to fish the harder it will be to maintain sheepherding. As he is not very good at talking he have problems with describing his point of view as good as Gillian does. A frustration which once led to a brawl, where the winner was undecided. This have led to increased violence between the families. Bonn is concerned by the wyvern who is said to be seen more often over the island.
  • Chalinn the healer: She is a pretty young woman who learned her trade from her mother. She have a garden with herbs which have many uses. She lives with her husband and is early pregnant. She likes to give people advice knowing full well they don´t listen to her. But her herbs are appriciated as spice in food or for its medical uses. Her husbands name is Matheus and he is a fisherman and part of Gillians family. But Chalinn tends to everyone and it is well known that you leave your family grievenses at home when you visit Chalinn.
  • Perrin the Potter: Perrin and his little family are the foremost potter on the island. Although everyone makes their own potts used in their homes. Perrins family makes the large pots used to ferment and store fish in. You could think that he is on the side of enhancing the fish production, but he knows if that happens he can´t keep up in the production and he would need more people as well. His reputation on theisland is very good and most people consider him to be wise and listen to him when he speaks. He is also a very kind and gentle man who easily makes people laugh. Perrin almost always have a big smile on his face.


All permanent inhabitants are humans and from Raxorian stock.


The village have one leader who makes decisions based on the fact that the rest of the villagers trust his decision. Usually the leader takes his time to talk to the people about it before making the decision. The leader at present is the village smith, a middleaged fellow named Pierre.   Two strong families (one fishing family and one sheep heardning family) have a long standing feud with each other. The leader of the fishermen are Gillian and the leader of the sheep herder is Bonn


There are no defences apart from the harbour and the rivers surrounding the village. Spread out amongst the villagers there are few real weapons or armor. The villagers are not soldiers and although they technically should have a militia and train at least once a year, it hasn´t been uphold as there are no noble on the island.

Industry & Trade

The village is mostly self sufficient but the income and tax is payed by producing dried fish. The fish are caught further out than most main landers do and as such it is often bigger and different species making it sought after by mainlanders for diversity.


Apart from the permanent settlement there are no real infrastruvture. But there are workmans hut all over the island where anyone can rest as they tend to their job.


There are no districts as such, but messy and smelly crafts usually are on the outskirts or even a little bit away from the village.

Guilds and Factions

There are two families whos long mistrust are flaring up into violence. There are many fisticuffs but no murders. Mostly they try to avoid each other. The base of the conflict is how much of the communities people and resources should be used in each families main industry. Both fishing and herding is personell intense.


Stone is abundant on the island and it shows in the architecture of the houses. They are built by collected stone who seldom needs much adaption. The buildings are held togehter by clay filled with straws, and gravity. Most wood are from impoted lumber, and the more aestethic are from driftwood.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization