Eleonora Da Ville

Lady Countess Eleonora Da Ville- Forët

(Artist: Lasse Partanen)   Eleonora is the young widowed countess of the County Allithiaore.   Although she has much power and have given birth to a son, when you look at her she seems like a very young girl.   She married when she was sixteen and after having one son at the age of seventeen her husband, the count died leaving her to rule the county until their son come to age. Unfortunatly he is a very sick kid and there isn't much hope.  
    All the knights who swore fealty to her husband have refused to serve her, a woman and a sickly kid.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eleonora is quite weak and her health isn´t the best but she keeps her back straight.

Body Features

She has a very petite body type.

Facial Features

She is considered a very beautiful young woman, but in a plain way. There isn´t any outstanding facial feature, but rather the whole makes her beautiful

Apparel & Accessories

She is very conscious of her dresses and choose them with care. She wants to be seen as a woman but not as a sexual being. So she is modest in her choices, which suits her well. As she tries hard to not catch a cold she is often dresses warmer than most other people in the room, with fur lining on her dress and a cape if possible.   She wears a few rings, her necklace and a set of earrings unless she have to go full official. Then she goes all in with jewellery to mark her wealth and power.   She mostly have a goblet with boiled warm wine sugered with honey, it contains almost no alcohol. (Glögg). It keeps her warm and she likes the taste. The goblet is either silver or gold and have a few gemstones.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eleonora was the youngest daughter of the small noble family Forët. She was born early and the delivery were very long and difficult. When she arrived she was dead at birth but someone at the delivery managed to bring her to life.   Growing up she was very sickly and lived a sheltered life on the familys estate, many times on the brink of death due to illness. No one expected her to survive, but as she started to become a women they realised that she were going to survive. Her father wanted to send her to chloister as Etin must have held an eye on her, and to not having to spend money on her marriage. But her mother refused.   Eleonora grew up to become a frail but beautiful woman who seldom left the estate. By a fluke the Count of Allienathore and his retinue sought shelter from a storm in the Forët estate, when he saw the young beauty. He demanded her as his wife and the family agreed, marrying her off to a man she never had the time to get to know.   Shortly after the wedding Eleonora were expecting her first child and feared the delivery. Just as she expected the delivery were hard and both she and her son almost died.   When their son were one year old the count were murdered by crossbow armed bandits who were never apprehended.


To Eleonora sex has never been a source of enjoyment, rather something you have to do as offsprings are needed. She have always feared getting pregnant and giving birth as she knows it might kill her.


She have an ordinary education for a noblewoman in Zorakin.

Failures & Embarrassments

In the wake of her husbands death she broke down and had a manic episode, where her latent paranoia went wild. It drove many away from her and tarnished her reputation severely.

Mental Trauma

Growing up as a sickly child and almost being killed by childbirth have made her a very laconic women. People die and there is nothing you can do about it. It doesn't mean she intends to die, but she have accepted that she will some day as will every one.   But she have a very hard time accepting that her son might die and struggle with grief and happiness.   She also have serious trust issues as she thinks everyone wants her and her son dead so they can get the titles. Or that they want to use her powers in their own power games.

Intellectual Characteristics

She knows full well how exposed she and her son is. She is not paranoid but is very careful about who are let in, both physically in the castle and emotionally.   She lives in a dark ancient castle filled with ghosts, and she classifies them as that Ghosts. She also believes the castle will protect them if they respect it. Almost to the point where the castle is a sentinent being.

Morality & Philosophy

She have no problem sentencing people to death and have a hard time showing mercy.

Personality Characteristics


She is a fragile woman who have to nurture a sickly kid, while navigating the politics surrounded by strong powerful men who wants her title, wealth and power.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is suspicious about other peoples ulterior motives and would burn down the world to protect her son.   She can be percieved as laconic and distant.

Personality Quirks

She almost always have a goblet filled with warm sweetened wine in her hand, and she moves very silently. She sometimes scare people who haven´t heard her walking up on them.


She always keep herself clean if there is warm water but if the water is cold she will not wash herself in it.


Family Ties

She wishes that she could trust her family but it has become apparent that her father wants to use her in their power games. And so does her in law family.   Father: Mother: Brother: Brother: Sister:

Religious Views

She doesn't believe that any God actually care for living individuals and as such she doesn't bother about them. She pretends to be a follower of Etin, and plays the charade very well.

Social Aptitude

The countess gives an solemn impression, and when she is not in the role she sometimes gives in to the darkness within. But when she sees her son she shines up, and really tries to give him the best of everything.


She is not a person with a vivid body language, and she speak softly and slowly.


She is well spoken and speaks with a soft and gentle voice.


Morthain Da Ville


Towards Eleonora Da Ville


Eleonora Da Ville


Towards Morthain Da Ville


Eleonora Da Ville


Towards Etienne Da Ville


Etienne Da Ville


Towards Eleonora Da Ville



The Baron is the brother to her dead husband, and he has not sworn her fealty. He sworn fealty to the former count and as such he should have sworn her a fealty. But she has not demanded in and there has been no reason to stir the hornets nest. She pretends his vow to her dead husbands includes her.

Thorgan Hachel de Solaire


Towards Eleonora Da Ville


Eleonora Da Ville


Towards Thorgan Hachel de Solaire



Thorgan does not have any real opinion on the countess. The countess dislikes him for not openly supporting her.

Efraim DeLaire


Towards Eleonora Da Ville


Eleonora Da Ville


Towards Efraim DeLaire



Before the counts death the two had a pretty good relationship.

Eleonora Da Ville


Towards Morthain Da Ville D:O


Morthain Da Ville D:O


Towards Eleonora Da Ville


Jarromeu Hachel de Solaires

Ruler (Important)

Towards Eleonora Da Ville


Eleonora Da Ville

Subject (Vital)

Towards Jarromeu Hachel de Solaires



Jarromeu have not pledged to the countess and she have not pressed the issue. He is holding back and does his best to not be clear on his stance on the countess legimitacy.

Eleonora Da Ville


Towards Guilliam de Grionne


Guilliam de Grionne


Towards Eleonora Da Ville



He has not sworn fealty to her as the true ruler of the County, and she has not pressed the issue

Eleonora Da Ville

Ruler (Important)

Towards Creche De Bille



Creche De Bille

Subject (Important)

Towards Eleonora Da Ville




Creche have sworn fealty to Eleonore as the true ruler of the county

Navinna DaVille

Sister in law

Towards Eleonora Da Ville


Eleonora Da Ville

Sister in law

Towards Navinna DaVille


Alexandre Forët


Towards Eleonora Da Ville


Eleonora Da Ville


Towards Alexandre Forët


Mylan Forët


Towards Eleonora Da Ville


Eleonora Da Ville


Towards Mylan Forët


Relationship Reasoning

Eleonora really likes him and he likes her, but Eleonora can´t trust him because he is controlled by their father and older brother.

Wealth & Financial state

She have used parts of her dead husbands heritage to bribe people in order to secure her and ger sons life.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
592 A.O. 20 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Her birth was prolonged , troublesome and she died but were revived.
Alexandre Forët (Brother)
Mylan Forët (Brother)
Current Residence
Castle La Mere
Brown with sparks of green within them. Due to lack of sleep heer eyes seems darker.
Long straight and light brown, often in a simple but well done haircut.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
She is very pale as she haven´t spend much time outdoors.
165 cm
55 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
The castle is ancient and filled with dark memories. Remember that they are just memories, nothing more.
The shining path
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Articles under Eleonora Da Ville