County of Allithiaore

The county of Allithiaore stretches along the coast of the Stirpaz bay, in the north the shore is rocky and steep while in the south it becomes more plain and there are more beaches. The county is home to the city Tofia which is the Duchys capital and the main trade hub of the region.   In the north the landscape is more hilly and laced with deep forests, while the further south you come the more leveled it becomes and cultivated fields are prominent. Through out the year the coastal regions are often covered in mists during the morning as the ground warms up, giving the land a touch of magic. The coast are often hit by storms and the old and conservative Raxorians call it the storm coast.   Many Najads are found within the county along the shores. They are if not a part of the society, at least accepted by the raxorian peasantry. Many fishermen knows where to leave gifts for the Najads in hope they will help them with their catch. But there are also many folklore tales about fishermen being taken by the Fey to be their consorts.   Along the coast there are many islands, and while some are inhabited most are not. They are not large enough to feed large predators, but some are known home to Hippogriffs and Wyverns, which can hunt on the main land. Those island whom are inhabited there are usually just a few families, who prefers to be left alone.   The castle "La mere" lies upon a hill with steep cliffs down into the sea, with only a small landbridge approaching. Throughout history many have fallen to their death in the sea from the the cliff walls, sometimes even by accident. The castle is old and many of its rulers have been evil tyrants, and it is known to be haunted.  
  • Barony: Le Adollix - The barony surrounding Tofia
  • Barony: Vincenaux
  • Barony: Colinnvenn
  • Barony: La Billoux
  • Barony: Cote Sombre - The barony surrounding the the countess lands
  • Barony: Ferencoux
  • Barony: Zerbix


  • Captain of Arms: Corran Wistille. He is only 24 years old and have never led men in battle. He is the son of one of Cavonnes burghers and have studied warfare in the Lyceeum of Pendonne. He is insecure, a bit shy and his men do not trust his combat prowess and despise his lack of personal fighting abilities. But he is very skilled in military administrations, logistics, tactics and strategy.
  • Loremaster/ Riark: Jerroume Claven (45 years) is the riark of the countess, and when he is at the castle he stays by the inner gate. He refuses to give a blood oath by the stone as its against the teachings of Etin. And for this reason the countess do not trust him, and all their meetings are held in the large meeting room in the inner gate. He lives in a manor on the country side, close to Cavonne
  • Seneschal: Lord Benji DeËscour. He is 55 years old and administrates the Countess holdings. He feels like a father for the countess and regrets her state. He also acknowledge the hard realities that if her son dies, the county will be in a sour state as there are no strong claims to the title, except for the counts brother. Lord Benji is the younger brother to the Herald Falin.
  • Gamekeeper: Athel. A 50 year old hunter with two apprentices (his sons) whose family have been int he employ of the counts for a long time. He knows the in- and outs of the county pretty well.
  • Adjutant:
  • Herald: Lord Fallin DeËscour. He is over 60 years old and prefer sitting by his desk, working on his book detailing all the former lords of the duchy. Stretching back to the Jorpagnian empire.
  • Jester: Franklin, The court jester or more bard, is a young man who looks pleasant and have a good singing voice. He also knows many old Raxorian tales and folklore. He is relaxed and makes people surrounding him ar ease. He is always unarmed and do not even have a knife to make sure he is not percieved as a threat.
  • Bontisal:


In the northern part of the duchy it is mostly Raxorians who makes up the peasantry, while as you traverse south the Penner becomes the mainstain of the culture.   There are many old folklore traditions still in use, to the extent even the local riakrs hardly notice them. When the storms are about to break people often say "Etin, protect us from the wrath of Marduk" or before a fishing expidition they catch a mouse or insect from the ship and throws it over board. If a fish eats it before it can swim to shore it is seen as a good sign.


Town Cavonne: The town Cavonne is the main town of the county and lies a few hours ride away from the Castle. Cavonne is an old town which during the height of the Imperium Jorpagna was a bustling city. Very few can tell today as there are no clear Jorpagnian buildings seen. But the harbour and old parts of the town have cobbled streets and a sewage system. The sewage system is maintained and cleaned out by poor people employed by the burghers of the town. It is organised by the mayor and handled by the one of the assistant. Every morning the poor stands in line and he chooses which are to work that day. He doesnt really know or recognise any of them. There are rumours that some of the poor do not come back from the sewers.   Veseix: The Veseix island is considered an estate owned by the Countess. Upon it lives approximatly 65 inhabitants with 260 acres of land for the village. Upon the island there are 270 acres of land directly owned by the countess which she could order the inhabitants to work upon. But as there are no caretaker or nobleman on the island this is more or less impossible. Insted the inhabitants do their duty on the sea as fishermen.   Delaire estate: The estate is located within the barony Cote Sombre and the family Delaire have been caretakers for a long time. But the estate is the countess. The estate have 240 acres land and a village named Lámbra with 70 inhabitants. The village have 280 acres of land for use by the villagers.   Craishim: Craishim is an estate and village within the barony Calinvenn. There is no nobleman here but a paid caretaker who fills in as elderman of the village. The estate have only 120 acres of land, and the village have 260 acres of land. Within the village 65 individuals make their home.   Tovoi estate: Within the barony the Tovoi estate is considered a jewel amongst the countess holdings. 600 acres of land is owned by the countess and cared for by the Tovoi family for several generations. There is a large village called Saimbroux where 105 individuals make their homes. The village itself have 420 acres of land to support it.   Valloux estate: The Valloux estate and the village Fi-tóme are located in the barony Le Adellix. The countess owns 270 acres of land and the village have 400 acres of land. Fi-tóme have 100 individuals living there.   Clairetinne: Clairetinne is an estate and village owned by the countess within the barony La Billoux. 330 acres of land are owned by the countess while the village owns 4220 acres of land. The elder of the village are paid by the countess to be a caretaker of her estate. The village consists of 105 individuals.   Vibraux: The estate known as Vibraux is also a village where the countess owns 270 acres of land and the village 220 acres. The estate is located in the barony Ferencoux and the village is home to 55 individuals.


The northen part of the count were part of the Raxorian kingdom while the southern part were part of the Penner kingdom. There are many places were battles between the two kingdoms rages, and the massgraves are said to be home to evil spirits.

Demography and Population

90% Humans (75


The northern part of the county was once a part of the Raxorian kingdom while the southern part was the Penner kingdom, as such many battles has taken place historically in the lands.


The countess have her Caster of Arms, Corran Wistille, handling the army of the county as she lacks the knowhow or interest. In the barracks and tents in castle La Mere the armed forces camp out. There are 30 armborst shooters, 30 heavy footsoldiers and 30 light cavalry in employ of the countess. Most of them are veterans who served the former count.   30 % of the forces are away patroling the countess estates and the roads between them.   The count used to have a few knights and their retinues as well, and he could call upon the the militias of the estates. The Countess do not trust the estates enough to come to her aid, and she has no knights who have sworn her loyalty.


Although the church of the Shining path is strong and its hold is firm, many peasants are superstitious. Also those who interact with the Najads usually have respect for Tevanetanu and accept her as a real and strong misguided spirit, and not a true God. They usually leave her an offering as well .

Agriculture & Industry

The northern part are quite hilly with many large forests within it, while in the south it is more plain and as such much more cultivated.


The Kings road: The Kings road stretches from the north to the south althrough the county, making the Kings guards patrols reasonably common. There are also many Inns along the road, who have been ordained by the King and pay their taxes to him. The King is the garant of the travelers safety upon the road, and all who threatens the travelers have forfeited their life. But the merchants are targeted by robbers, and the local nobles are not quick to act, as long as the robbers only hit travelers upon the Kings road. A constant source of irritation for the King and travelers.

You can´t fight the storm.

Founding Date
66 A.O,
Geopolitical, County / March
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Articles under County of Allithiaore