Winged Reptile

The winged reptile is a large predatory reptile with leathery wings large enough for flying. The strength of their flying force is large enough for them to carry a large cow, or fully armoured humanoid. The repile makes their habitat in dry and open terrain, prefarably on large hills or even mountains. They are capable to take off from plain ground but prefer to thow themselves of a steep to gain momentum. They usually live in pairs, a male and female and have up too three children per year.   The winged reptile are a daytime predator and spend the nights in their nests. Most nests are found in shallow hollows on the side of a cliff.  
STY 37
STO 27
FYS 17
SMI 14
KP 22
SB +2t6
  4 claws (1D4) 8, 1 Bite (1D6, half SB), Finna daolda ting (12), Förflyttning L4/F40, Naturligt skydd: 1p skin

Basic Information


The beak is long and plain and have jagged edge for ease cutting meat. The large wings, up to 10 meters between peaks, are leathery in composition and looks like large bat wings. The body is small but the hind legs are strong with four joints which ends in a feet with four large claws.

Genetics and Reproduction

The winged reptile live in pairs which mate for life and lay up to three eggs per year. When the eggs hatch the reptiles are capable to eat meat and both parents take turn to hunt.

Ecology and Habitats

Winged reptiles are most often found in mountainous areas or very hilly areas where they can hunt from above.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The reptile are predators and only eat meat. They prefer hunting deer but can take anything up to the size of cows. They are not intelleigent enough to threat analysis and might attack a fully armed individual. But on the other hand they might not recognise a plate armoured knight as food.   Their preferd hunting method is to swoop down from above and attack from the side in full force. They grab on with their claws and when the prey is down they try to kill it with their beak.

Additional Information


The newly hatched reptiles binds to the living beings which surrounds it the first days, and they learn from their parents. This can be used to domesticate a flying reptile and they can be learned to ridden and trained for combat.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Some tribes use the skin as they would use other skin.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The reptile have a good eye sight as they hunt from above, with the ability to focus on target. Their sense of smell is absymal compared to humans while their hearing is on the same level as a human.
Average Length
Up to 10 meters from wing tip to wing tip.
Geographic Distribution