The kingdom of Zorakin are founded in the city of Pendonne



The kingdom of Zorakin are proclaimed by Valien Valiensson, known as King Valien I. The foundation and coronation takes place at the great summit in the city of Pendonne. At the founding Zorakin are made up by the duchies Amittefeux, Draviouxe, Litherinne, Pharynx, Inbeaux and the western parts of Indarri and Solei-Font.   The Legerdian people whom makes up the populance of the eastern parts the land which is the present Zorakin remained independent. The Raxorian people whom had sworn an oath to become a part of Zorakin never attended the summit, starting a long period of skirimishes between the newly formed Zorakin and The Raxorian Kingdom.