History of the Penner Kingdom

After the Conflux the tribe called Penner created a kingdom in what is now the Core of Zorakin.

  • 599 B.O.

    The third conflux
    Disaster / Destruction

    On a beautiful summer day 599 B.O. a large shadow fell over the Empire of Jorpagna. From the marshes billions and billions of flesh eating flying bugs swarmed the whole of Ereb Altor. The bugs were followed by strange diseases and starvation throughout all of the known world. It is calculated that around half of all living humanoids dies and whole settlements and nations are wiped out. Amongst them the Jorpagna Empire, the mightiest empire of all times.

  • 598 B.O.

    550 B.O.

    The descent
    Disaster / Destruction

    The years after the Conflux where hard years as many people and much of the livestock had died. What was left of the Jorpagnian Empire disintegrated fast and the last remnants of civilisation fell apart and where replaced by small fortified communities or roving bands of marauders. Trade were almost impossible and it was every group for themselves. It took about 50 years for some kind of stability to reach the southern part of the Grindnau peninsula.

    Additional timelines
  • 367 B.O.

    The monastery of Pendonne is founded

    The monastery of Pendonne is founded by Leon Inergryd of the Mandelorder. The monastery will later evolve into the lyceum of Pendonne and the city of Pendonne, capital of Zorakin.

    Additional timelines
  • 73 B.O.

    55 B.O.

    Lindskiarne wars
    Military action

    At the start of the Lindskiarne wars the Penner kingdom were not involved, but they where aware of the threat the Lindskiarn could become. As the Raxorians lost ground to the onslaught of the Lindskiarns it became more clear for the Penner king that they had to intervene. The Penner king sent diplomats to the Raxorians and several Legerdian tribes and offered them support in exchange for their subjugation to the Penner king. All of them accepted the terms. The Penner king then declared war against the Lindskiarn and rode north with all his cavalry might. The Lindskiarn wasn't prepared for the new kind of warfare and fell back, and when the Penners old allies the Echter also joined forces in the war, the were victorious. The Lindskiarns refused to give in and always fought to the last man though. The alliance who saw all the atrocities the Lindskiarn had done to the now exterminated local people, gave no mercy as well.   The Lindskiarnie wars ends the 55 B.O.

  • 55 B.O.

    The kingdom of Zorakin are founded in the city of Pendonne

    The kingdom of Zorakin are proclaimed by Valien Valiensson, known as King Valien I. The foundation and coronation takes place at the great summit in the city of Pendonne. At the founding Zorakin are made up by the duchies Amittefeux, Draviouxe, Litherinne, Pharynx, Inbeaux and the western parts of Indarri and Solei-Font.   The Legerdian people whom makes up the populance of the eastern parts the land which is the present Zorakin remained independent. The Raxorian people whom had sworn an oath to become a part of Zorakin never attended the summit, starting a long period of skirimishes between the newly formed Zorakin and The Raxorian Kingdom.
