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Arena of the Gods

Named the "Arena of the Gods" due to it's immense popularity and star power, Unlike the nearby Kios' Arena, It specializes in Shade on Shade combat. Found by going to the Thanatos District of Shade City in Hades, It has two separate arenas, One for more casual sport, And another for certain death. Which for most shades, Isn't such a problem anymore.
  As stated previously, The arena is separated into two sections. One is the classic sand, dirt and blood setup, With multiple traps and gimmicks. The other is located down a large set of steps, It is deep underground, Where lava flows into the very arena itself. Many champions have come and gone over the years. Perseus, Ismaros, Achilles, The Bone Hydra for a small time. But none have regained their position as often as Heracles, Who has been the reigning champ for over 400 years, Consistently losing his champion status for short periods, Then regaining it due to another immense show of skill or strength. He has nothing better to do in all honesty.
  Either way, This arena has been the primary source of entertainment in Hades for millennia, But is sadly not as popular in the modern day. Not to suggest that it isn't popular at all, It still very much is, With the seats being filled almost every day. Just compared to the amount in past years, It seems lackluster.
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