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Bugbear {Erethes}

Created by accident during the inception of the Prime Material Plane, Bugbears have become some of the finest warriors and hunters, In their own way.
  These tall, furry beasts are a group of humanoids that mainly attempt to stay out of society as we know it, Instead preferring to live in multiple tribes across Erethes. And while every tribe is unique to each group, There are simply too many to list here, So this will be a short and condensed article about them.
  Since Bugbears have a tendency to avoid other humanoids, These creatures have not often been involved in any major world events or wars, Only helping occasionally. There have been a few reports here and there, A few bugbear tribes having a small part in the war of the Underdark, Bugbears helping certain Viking villages raid areas, One was reported to have helped the Olympians with an issue once. Bugbears can be really unpredictable, And that makes them great addition to our world.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Bugbears are often found in wandering tribes or by their lonesome, As a result, They have no real defined place to be found. It just so happens that there are some common areas.

Average Intelligence

While their average intelligence is minimal, They have the capacity to be quite smart, Just due to their common environment they don't get a chance to be educated as often.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

A lot of bugbears don't even have last names, Instead using a "of the Borin Tribe" naming system, But most of them don't use that either, Opting for only one name. The majority of names will often sound similar to orcish names in addition to these, So feel free to use an Orc name generator as well.   Masculine: Gersh, Torn, Borc, Lerg, Eern, Etc.   Feminine: Tarsha, Lorch, Yarha, Tyrn, Erae, Etc.

Gender Ideals

Bugbears are one of the least judging when it comes to gender, As long as you're useful to the tribe, That's all that really matters.

Average Technological Level

The majority of Bugbears live in a primal society, So their highest level of technology only goes up to wooden tools and weapons, With the occational steel sword and such.
Average Height
5'0" - 7'0" (1.5 - 2.1 meters)
Average Weight
160lbs - 280lbs (72kg - 127kg)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Bugbears will often have tribal tattoos under their fur, But some will have magical tattoos that appear over their fur when certain conditions are met, Usually determined by the owner.
Geographic Distribution


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