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The Frozen North

Ah yes, Drengrheim, Home of the Aesir. A region filled with constant snow, freezing cold and people that are always either trying to fight you or have a drink with you.   Long ago, When the realm was first created, Odin somehow managed to "convince" the others to let him have ownership of the snowy region, Because he was confident that he could make it into something great. Now, Several thousand years later, He did, Just not the way everyone else thought it would be. A lot of cites, regions and governments are allied with Drengrheim, Mostly due to convenience and out of fear.   Most of the denizens in this region are traders, farmers, fishermen and sailors. With the others all being great warriors, Which is part of the reason why the region is named what it is today. Over the years there have been a few people that have tried and still are trying in some cases, To seize some sort of power over Drengrheim, Such people include; Amaterasu, Ahriman once and Hermaeus Mora on more than a few occasions. Not to mention the many times mortals have tried to siege Asgard and failed, Only being added to the many Draugr tombs scattered here and there.   Drengrheim is home to many things that are not found anywhere else very often, If at all. There are multiple wandering Goliath, Bugbear and general nomadic tribes around Erethes, But primarily here for whatever reason. This region is also home to the Valkyries, A group of warrior women that not only protect Asgard from threats, But also are known to escort the souls of the dead to either Valhalla or Hel, Depending. The elusive Valkyrie is rarely seen by Drengrheim's own people, Even less so in other regions.


A land of snowy plains, It is known for it's mountainous terrain and frigid forests.   Though the majority of the region is grassland, It is best known for the mountains, Lakes and rivers that accompany it, Often making it a hotspot for fishermen and explorer types. There are also quite a lot of underground networks, Including one of the larger areas of the Underdark, Spanning almost all of the middle and left-most areas of the region.


Due to the Icey nature of Drengrheim, The majority of wild and plant life have adapted to the cold after so many years, Often taking on larger or tougher exteriors in the process. The most common animal types are often things with large amounts of survivability or resistance to such conditions, Such as bears, feral werebeasts, Actual dire wolves, The occasional large goat or small dragon, Etc.

Ecosystem Cycles

Unfortunately for the majority of visitors, Drengrheim is in a perpetual state of winter all year 'round. There have been people dedicated to the study of this for quite some time but even then, nobody is entirely sure why this is. There are a few theories, But almost all of them are just guesses, Maybe the gods know.   Either way as a result, Most animals do not really hibernate and the ones that do either don't do it often, Or just not for very long. Some animals often only have one "cycle", And others don't even have any, Instead choosing what to do each day or letting fate decide, Not that most of these animals are smart enough to know concepts like that anyway.

Localized Phenomena

For the most part the environment is normal, If about three times as bad. A real local treat are the various hot springs dotted around the region. While there is a main area that has a large concentration of springs, There are more, But they're either hidden or small enough to be a neat find for most adventurers, Nothing more.


Also as an unfortunate problem of living within this region, Due to Drengrheim being stuck in winter at all times, That comes with the added problem of almost constant snowstorms and negative temperatures. Blizzards and the like are often stronger and deadlier in Drengrheim than other places, Especially when it actually becomes winter in other regions, Adding in new problems like frostbite and legitimate threat for even the locals.

Fauna & Flora

Now, As much as the Aesir want you to believe their land is magical and unlike any other, The majority of plants are fairly normal, If a little tougher than usual. What really stands out is Yggdrasil, The world tree. But that is another story for another article.   The Fauna often include things like wolves, Bears, Goats or things such as snow leopards or lynx. More exotic things include Werebeasts, Owlbears, A special snowy lion breed and a few others.

Natural Resources

A lot of resources in this region have been shipped in, But there are plenty of forests, Mines, and animals to keep things sustained. The main thing that is difficult to procure would be crops, As most farm-grown foods have trouble surviving here, Hence the shipments.


Asgard. Capital city of Drengrheim and primary home to most of the Aesir. Easily the largest and most populated city in the region, Often the main choice for most tourists.   Olthoð Hot Springs. A large grouping of Hot Springs that are the immediate secondary choice for visitors of the region, Accompanied by a shrine to Eir, As these springs are often associated with meditation and healing.   Gunnolf. A medium-sized town located on an island near Asgard, The people that live here are more traditional than most, But are friendly enough to outsiders.   The Vanir Pass. A large clearing in-between some mountains with a large lake, Features include the Well of Fate, Which some people have claimed a ghostly disembodied head has spoken to them from the center of the lake. There is also Yggdrasil, Which is the largest tree in Erethes as of right now, And it contains a powerful magical energy.   Heimdallr's Tower. A large tower with a view that can somehow see the majority of Erethes, Even though it shouldn't be able to. Heimdallr does not care much for visitors and will most likely try to escort you away once he spots you.   Misc. Some miscellaneous spots include; Mydalr and Manavik, The largest cites in the region aside from Asgard. The Seiðr Forest, A forest that is said to be cursed by evil. The Drengrheim branch of the Mercenary Guild, The guild is always taking new members. and The Hjarti Woods, A giant patch of woodland that makes for a nice camping spot.
Average Life   It goes without saying that an average life in Drengrheim depends almost completely on what kind of person you are, But once you figure that part out, We can get to the next step.   Of course if you're a fisherman, Farmer, Etc. You are going to have a fairly uneventful day almost every day, But for most adventurers, Living here takes patience, Preparation and Planning to not become a frozen corpse on the side of the road. If you're going to be traveling Drengrheim, It's always a fairly safe bet to take something that can reliably provide a heat source, A map and your wits.   "Ya' might want to bring a weapon with you as well, Things can get pretty bad out there. You know what... Bring a friend too. And a drink if you're able!" - Calic Snowsight, 763 AV


  • Drengrheim