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Draland Province

The Cursed Lands

The Draland Province. Once home to the highest population count in Erethes, That all changed once Althra was taken 700 years ago. Ever since that day, Where Althra once stood now stands a crater that corrupted everything within a certain radius. Believe it or not, Draland used to be entirely grassland before The Vanishing. But now the crater saps the life from the very land itself, Causing most of the region to become this barren badland, The only reason that Xuebao didn't become corrupted is due to an innate magical barrier that helped stave it off for a long while. Same thing with Drengrheim, Most of the gods had gotten to it beforehand and stopped the spread short.   Aside from ancient history, Draland is still a leading contender in popularity. Despite it's now harsh living conditions, Some of the larger cities and businesses still reside here. Draland has the highest citizen count of Orcs, Followed by the more "Normal" humanoid races defined by society. A lot of people will often choose to not move here, Due to it's intimidating nature, But the locals will tell you that they wouldn't want to be anywhere other than here.


The majority of the province are badlands and cracked dirt, However, There are various jagged mountain ranges, thin rivers and deep lakes. Some of which are small enough to not be on any map, But are just as important.   The area around the crater is a dark "Lifeless" wasteland. The dirt is more of a finely ground ash of sorts, Perhaps more of a gravel consistency, Depends on the spot. Any plant life taken from the crater has always disintegrated mere minutes after leaving the area.

Ecosystem Cycles

During the majority of seasons, Most of Draland is normal. However, During winter, Almost all of the wildlife go into a kind of hibernation state, Flocking to the nearby mountain ranges, Specifically the Skeletal Range. Now, I say hibernation, But in reality they do not actually enter hibernation, Instead they all retreat to the mountains where all of them begin a primal King of the Hill contest of sorts, Often named "The Trial of the Mountain". Only one individual animal can win per year, Undergoing a magical transformation if they win.   Another thing of note here is that during undetermined times, But at least once a year, All of the standard creatures we would consider as normal, Begin to transform into more ferocious and monstrous versions of themselves. This transformation is like the one granted to the Trial winner and during this time of the year, This change can also effect the winner, Making them even bigger and more powerful than the normal prize made them, At least until it ends. Nobody as of right now has actually figured out what causes either of these effects, Nor when the latter one occurs, But many think it's due to the energy of the crater.

Localized Phenomena

Snow is a very rare occurrence in Draland, The most you'll ever get is rain, Or hail in the winter.   Lightning strikes are surprisingly common, Even without a storm or anything else accompanying it. It gets so bad at times, There are entire buildings in most cities dedicated to preventing the rest of the city from getting struck.


Often Draland is known for being one of the hotter areas in Erethes, Only amplified by the air being so dry.   During the colder months, It has a tendency to become more of a dry, Spring breeze. Or actually freezing. Depends on how unlucky you are.

Fauna & Flora

Almost all of the animals and plant life (If you can find any) are a lot more monstrous than normal, Possibly due to years of acclimating to the cursed grounds. As a result, They are often tougher, Stronger and more aggressive, Even to the point that some animals that are normally known for being very passive in other regions, Will attack you on the roads.   It gets even worse near Althra, As most creatures that stay inside of the main radius for too long often die of course. Or, Become corrupted. A corrupted creature is a creature that has been changed fundamentally by the darkness, Causing it to become even more aggressive, Smarter, and deadlier, Sometimes gaining new abilities in the process. If a creature is corrupted, their body and appearance change dramatically, Often causing it to look nothing like the original creature, And it only gets worse the longer they stay inside the area. A famous Monster Hunting guild in Draland was founded specifically for the purpose of making sure these "Tareci" as people have named them, either don't get out, Or don't harm the public.


The Althra Singularity. "I've noticed over the years that a lot of tourists go over there to take a look at the crater, or whatever. Take my word for it, Don't EVER go there under any circumstances! Understand?" - Vawni Duum, 762 AV   Lakdrassen. A city famed for it's dwarven architecture and community, The city with the #1 population of dwarves. Main destination for tourists that don't have a Deathwish.   Morthil's School of Magic Study. A multifloored building dedicated to the study and learning of Magic, Often the main (And only) place to learn the arcane arts. Run by a high elf that the school is named after.   Fikimara Temple. A temple/dojo that currently has an outreach program to entice more young folk to practice martial arts, Though all are welcome to learn as well.   The Sandstone Oasis. A small town made entirely of it's namesake, It has one of the biggest temples in the world as of right now, Fun place to visit whether you are planning to or you need a rest stop of sorts.   Pax Animi (Translating to "Peace of Mind"). The largest town in Draland that isn't named Lakdrassen, It is a town that is almost completely comprised of the "Monster" Races; Oni, Werebeasts, Minotaur, Gorgon, Orcs, Goblins and pretty much anything you can think of that isn't typically allowed in normal society, In addition to the usual races.   Kazar' Duum. The Capital Orc city, Very interesting place to see, If you can get in.   The Grove of Seasons. A large grove where druids are constantly working hard to find some way to cure the affliction to the land caused by the Singularity.   Poet's Lake. A very large and very pretty lake that leads to Drengrheim on the other side, The story goes that a famous poet made a song so great and so depressing at this lake that it made people die, And he got hung by the townsfolk, So they named the lake after him. To this day, Nobody knows what the song was, If there even was one.
Althra Singularity   The large crater that sits in the west of Draland, It is attributed by most of the locals that it is the source of all evil in the region, This has yet to be proven.   Anything that gets near the radius, Gets corrupted by darkness, Or dies. Except some creatures, Such as humanoids. Though, Nobody has stayed within the radius for more than 30 minutes, It hasn't been proven yet just what happens if a creature is in there longer than that. Most test subjects have reported feeling ill and nauseous, Sometimes their vision becoming impaired. Symptoms only get worse the longer you stay inside the area.


  • Draland Province
Anthus Stormrival, Lord of Draland   Anthus is the current leader of both Draland and Pax Animi. Most residents of the region do not like that this man is in a ruling position, However, All of the residents of Pax Animi love him.   It is known Anthus is a Werewolf, And has been for most of his life. This fact alone makes most people weary to trust him, But throughout his leadership, He has done a fairly good job so far. He is also apart of a council of people that often suggest actions to be taken, However, Anthus doesn't take their suggestions most of the time, Opting to make a choice himself.