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The Warrior Queen

Queen of the Valkyries (a.k.a. Frigga)

Freyja, Freya or Frigga as she is sometimes known, Is a former Aesir, Now current Vanir Goddess. She is mainly known as the goddess of War, Love and Magic, With her being extremely proficient with the latter. She prefers to use Magic mainly, But don't think that she can't use a sword just as well.   A long time ago, A few thousand years after the creation, Freyja had married The All-Father, Odin, Becoming the Queen of the Aesir. While this was done mostly for other people rather than herself, She stuck with the union for another thousand or so years, Taking the name Frigg/Frigga and taking on a different appearance (The appearance of Freyja will be separated with the appearance of Frigga, Frigga's appearance will be in parentheses in the sidebar). With Odin becoming progressively unstable, At least more than he already was, Frigg decided to part ways with the All-Father, A decision that was not taken very well by him. After a large fight, She was banished from Asgard, Never to return. Which was more than fine by her, Vowing to never come back anyway. Tensions have boiled over in the past few centuries, Resulting in Freya planning for a one-woman crusade to end Odin's life. And while he may still love her, The feeling is not mutual.   Freyja now resides in various places across Erethes, Attempting to live a nomadic druid lifestyle while helping people on the side. Due to this, It's surprisingly not that hard to run into her, You just have to be at the right time and right place.

Divine Domains

War, Arcana, Nature and Love. Good choice for any subclass that is Valkyrie related, or Druids.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Valknut with vines wrapped around it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Freyja is very fit, As one would be, Having to live in the woods for so long. During her time as Odin's wife, She was much larger and much more muscular, Actively pursuing bodybuilding to keep up her warrior reputation. Nowadays though, She is much skinnier, Still being muscular, But more cut than large. Only really working out as a byproduct of the amount of physical activities she does on a daily basis.

Body Features

She has several scars spread throughout her body, Particularly on her torso and forearms. Along with multiple full arm, full leg or full torso tattoos, All infused with the old magics.

Facial Features

While Beautiful, Freyja's face in the current age looks fairly average underneath it all, Looking like any other person, This is by design. She'll normally have charcoal makeup around her eyes and sometimes on her lips, This is both ritualistic and for style.

Identifying Characteristics

She'll almost always have streaks of deep blue warpaint going down her torso and arms, With some on her face as more of an accent. Her hair is usually unkempt and frizzy, With loose braids or brass clasps to hold it into a ponytail.

Physical quirks

Whenever she's really upset, Anger or Sadness, Her right hand will start twitching.

Special abilities

Freyja is known to be a master sorcerer and magic user. As a result, She knows practically every spell in existance. Along with the ability to influence raw magic energy, Being able to channel it into non-existing spells for pretty much any purpose, She can do almost anything with her ancient magics.   However, She is still using magic energy like everybody else, And is still liable to some of the restrictions that brings.

Apparel & Accessories

She is usually wearing ancient looking peasant clothing, Torn and Worn. But it has various patterns and bone or wood accessories layered onto it that just scream out "Scary Witch of the Woods" vibes. The cloth is a dark grey/tan color, With deep blue, black and purple patterns throughout.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Creating the Valkyries and Breaking free of Odin. These are the two things that she believes were the only things that she actually accomplished herself.

Failures & Embarrassments

While Freyja doesn't regret much, The main thing that haunts her to this day is actually marrying Odin. Doing that simple thing led to so many terrible things, With the only good things being her children.

Mental Trauma

Luckily for her, Freyja doesn't have much in this category. The main thing is the fact that her only biological son actively hates her, Taking the side of his father instead. She tends to take this particularly hard, Often breaking down at the thought of it.

Intellectual Characteristics

Those who know Freyja will tell you that she can be very kind, focused and steadfast. But in the blink of an eye, Can become extremely cruel, vindictive and wrathful when angry or hurt emotionally.

Morality & Philosophy

Freyja has immense empathy for people in confinement, Either of their own design or not, Mental or Physical. She believes that no being should be imprisoned unjustly, And will go out of her way to help or comfort people, Especially children.


Lying for personal gain, Hurting children, Taking freedom away from one or multiple people. These are the main ones, But pretty much anything evil will usually prevoke a reaction.

Personality Characteristics


Above All, Freyja would love to end Odin and his reign. But due to various reasons, She cannot do this. So instead, She seeks to wander the world and live a nomadic lifestyle, Helping people along the way.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Freyja is very knowledgeable about magics, It's practices and how to apply them. She is also an expert swordfighter, Rivaling the likes of Ares, Amaterasu or even Odin himself. But in more of a casual setting, She is great at cooking practically anything, As well as being good at woodcarving and being knowledgeable about the inner workings of plants.   She is not good at suppressing emotions, Especially bad ones. She is also not very good at navigation or using most types of technology, Preferring to use horses, Magic and at least attempting to use the sun to determine directions.

Likes & Dislikes

She really likes meats that aren't used as often. Rabbit, Quail, Sarka, Stormeagle, You name it. She also loves nature, Preferring to be in it rather than a city or the like.   She really dislikes eating Pork (She's fine when other people do it, She just doesn't like to), Big social gatherings and Odin, Along with most of the people that serve him.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is extremely independant, strong and decisive. She is comforting to people of all ages, Helping them through whatever anxieties they may be experiencing. She is also very considerate to both Humanoids and Animals, Making sure not to cross any boundaries.

Vices & Personality flaws

Freyja can be extremely arrogant, sadistic and cruel, All while having severe tunnel-vision whenever she is upset. This can be in small, petty ways, If it's not too much of a big deal. But if she is inconsolable, or if she has a vendetta against one or multiple people, You can bet that she'll be willing to do almost anything to get her way.


Odin, The All-Father

Ex-Husband (Vital)

Towards Freyja




Ex-Wife (Important)

Towards Odin, The All-Father




Son (Trivial)

Towards Freyja




Mother (Vital)

Towards Baldur




Step-Son (Vital)

Towards Freyja




Step-Mother (Vital)

Towards Thor




Sister (Vital)

Towards Freyr, God of Fertility and Success



Freyr, God of Fertility and Success

Brother (Vital)

Towards Freyja



Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Trying to live life free of worry
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Freyja has been known to be many things. Goddess of War, Love, Fertility, Magic, Nature, Childhood. Queen of the Aesir, Valkyries, Shield Maidens, Vanir, And many more.
Date of Birth
2nd of Olym, 9486 BR
Year of Birth
9486 BR 10251 Years old
The Abyss
Current Residence
None (Nomadic)
Hazel (Light Blue), Determined
Medium Length (Long), Loose and Messy (Braided), Dark Brunette (Very Light Brown)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly Tanned White (Pale White)
5'10" (1.77 meters)
138lbs (62kg)
Known Languages
Freyja has been around long enough to speak most languages fluently. But certain exotic ones, Like Eldritch Languages, Might be unknown to her.
Ruled Locations