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Lizardfolk {Erethes}

Lizardfolk are a race of humanoid crocodile people, Created by the Stre' Kartaa god Sobek, Because he wanted a race that bore his likeness, They continue to be one of the most fascinating races on Erethes for most historians.
  Adhering to their ancient ideals and religion, The Lizardfolk of Erethes are a tribal and traditional people, Often only caring for their own. Most Lizardfolk follow a vague lifeforce housed inside of a large tree named "The Great Oak". They often refer to the force as this as well, They believe that it has planned all of their lives already and that whatever has and will happen is pre-destined. They believe that the Great Oak guides them, In life and in battle, Often thanking it for making their lives possible at all.
  However, There is another group of Lizardfolk on Erethes. While the first group mainly resides in the Unknown Regions, These lizardfolk live in Stre' Kaas, And while some of them still believe in the Great Oak, There are a lot that focus on the Stre' Kaas lifestyle, Often following Sobek or one of his fellow pantheon members, Choosing to live in modern society.

Basic Information


Lizardfolk are often intimidating to non-locals, With their large frame and crocodile-like maw. They are much bigger than most reptile humanoids, Averaging very large body types, With either large fat or muscle percentages, There is almost never a skinny Lizardfolk.

Growth Rate & Stages

Lizardfolk become mature at 14 years old, And during this time, They shed their skin for the first and only time in their lives.

Ecology and Habitats

Due to their shared likeness with Sobek, They are practically designed to be completely compatable with Stre' Kaas and the Nile. This does include certain areas of the desert or of other regions that have similar waters, Such as the Unknown Regions.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lizardfolk are pure carnivores, As they are designed in such a specific way that they cannot eat anything other than meats, In fact, Their body will actively reject them.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

As of the year 320 BR, Lizardfolk have mainly taken the Unknown Regions as their home, Setting up multiple cities and bases on land and sea. This is where you will find them the most often. The other most common area is the Nile, In Stre' Kaas. They usually live along the river in multiple small towns.

Average Intelligence

Lizardfolk are very intelligent, Yet their brains work differently than humans, Causing them to be at the same ranges of intelligence as some elves, Their culture, ideas and overall history cause them to only use very primitive or ancient weapons, buildings and ideals.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While their eyesight is average and their hearing isn't the best, While inside of the water, Their hearing is much better. In addition, While in water, They can sense movement via the ripples of the water, Effectively granting them a type of tremorsense.
Average Height
4'0" - 7'0" (1.2 - 2.1 meters)
Average Weight
120lbs - 240lbs (54kg - 108kg)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Lizardfolk will often hatch with one of many shades of Dark Greens, Dark Teals and Dark Browns or Greys. With their eyes appearing in practically any known color.
Geographic Distribution
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