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The Unknown Regions

Despite the name, The Unknown Regions are a pair of well explored continents in The East Sea. These regions were mostly unexplored a few hundred years ago, But have recently been the target of a large effort to gain information about it, They still call it Unknown Regions because the head researcher thought it sounded neat and they didn't have another one.   Home to many races, But primarily reptilian humanoids, These regions have large parts that are mostly uninhabited, Allowing nature to thrive. Both of the islands have large amounts of Swampland and huge Jungles, With ancient settlements scattered throughout.   Most of the people in these regions worship either Sobek (or some other ocean/water god) or they'll worship "The Great Oak", A ginormous oak tree that is hailed by many to be divine, Determining the fates of it's followers. And while the tree itself may not determine fate, It does have some divine abilities that are not yet fully known about.


This area tends to be humid and hot, With the occational cool sea breeze depending on where you are.


Hydra's Keep. The capital city of the regions, Named so due to it's close proximity to a giant Hydra that roams the nearby jungles and rivers.   The Dead Wilds & Snakebreath Isle. A large jungle and an also large island, They are said to be cursed by the fallen ancestors and dead gods. Supposedly very dangerous.   Portal to Nessus. One of the few portals to the afterlife, This one leads to Nessus, One of the 5 hells. It is guarded at all times by a local tribe that is sworn to protect the portal and anyone that creatures from the portal may attack.   Duskmire. A large human town that has long since been abandoned and left to rot, It is unlikely that anything of use remains there, But you never know.   Swampskin Temple. A giant stone temple dedicated to the ancient gods and The Great Oak, This is the most frequented temple in the regions.   Temple of Kua' Xotl. A large stone temple dedicated to the aquatic serpent deity Kua' Xotl, Who was said to bend the elements around him at will.   The Great Oak and the Watchers. A large tree and accompanying town, It holds significant cultural ties and history with it.


  • The Unknown Regions