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The Bonechewer Clan

The Bonechewer Clan, Is a small tribe of Uruk. They specialize in Raiding and Pillaging, Especially small towns and easier targets. They simply don't have the numbers for a large scale assault. This clan was famed for their brutality and fierce tactics.   Based out of a mountain range in Drengrheim, This group was small enough to be a threat, But not enough of a threat to be priority. The Bonechewer Clan is normally lead by a single individual, This status is normally gained through a Trial By Combat, or chosen successor if the current leader dies from something else. During the majority of it's lifespan, Their accomodations were minimal, Usually being tents and wooden spikes for defense. More recently, They now have cabins and actual walls for their base.


At some point in 765 AV, Most of the good clan members were either beaten or killed, With the leader having been executed. After this incident, Local law-enforcement finally got fed up with the clan, And decided to raid their base. Almost all of the clan members having been arrested or slain in their own home, The base site has been claimed. The clan is officially declared as disbanded, But not all of the warriors were ever accounted for.

34th of Toshi, 623 AV - 2nd of Western Flame, 765 AV

Geopolitical, Clan
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Species