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Orc {Erethes}

Orcs, Or Uruk as they're sometimes called, Are a race of large, muscular and intimidating warriors that were one of the first races in Erethes.   Now, As much as that description implied that all Orcs are like this, That is not true. While it is true that there are many Orcs that exhibit those traits, They are only about 30% of the uruk population. See, A long time ago, A wizard and his comrades had transformed a tribe of orcs into, little did they know, what most orcs looked like in other worlds. Which eventually spread out across the land, becoming the large percentage we have now. However, There is another variant, The original orc type.   The original Uruk are what fill up the other 70%. Some are strong, Others are lanky. Some are small and goblin-like, Others are tall and beefy with gnarled teeth. The Orcs can appear in many shapes and sizes, Yet none of them are attractive in any way. Of course it depends on personal taste, But the majority of Erethes treat these Orcs with a fear and disgust. While the other type of Orcs are more human-like in practically every way, Causing them to be more often accepted into society.   Uruk usually travel in tribes or groups, Setting up camps and bases or continuing to wander the earth. These tribes can consist of any number of either orc type, As they still see each other as a part of the same people, Despite their differences, And will still work together very often. These tribes will usually be the only place to see Orc society, Since they rarely make any settlements. But they do have some across Erethes, Which will be mentioned in the Geographic Distribution section.   Orcs are known for being bloodthirsty warriors and savages, Not fit for "Civilized" or "High-class" living. And while they are great warriors, They are just as intelligent as anyone else participating in this so-called "High Society" lifestyle, If not more so. For ease of typing, Any information outside of this description where I need to specify one orc type or the other, will refer to the original orcs as "Pure Uruk". The other variation will be "Uruk-Hai".

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Uruk-Hai are much more human looking, So as a result their faces can essentially have anything a human face can, Besides the tusks of course. Pure Uruk on the other hand are much more disfigured, Having features that can be different for any one Pure Uruk. Sometimes they have large, Pig-like noses. Sometimes they'll have serrated teeth or sandpaper-esque tongues. Other times they can have elf-like ears, Cat-like eyes or large jawlines, Almost like an Uruk-Hai.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Orcs are not known for building settlements anymore, So they can be found across Erethes in their tribes. However, The Draland Province has the highest concentration of Orcs, To the point that Draland has more Orcs than any other race.   However, There are multiple Orc settlements in various areas in Erethes and while I won't list every one, I will mention a few of the bigger ones. Oum' Rakam in Drengrheim, Makaree, Och' Motay and Kazar' Duum with all three being located in Draland, And the latter being the largest one, Being considered by many to be the Orcish capital city, Not including this next one. The Caves of Mor' Dun are by far the largest Orc "settlement" in Erethes. It is a giant sinkhole near Mount Olympus that houses multiple caverns and vast cave systems underneath the island, Any Uruk that don't live in Draland or belong to any tribes live in here, Belonging to the largest tribe in Erethes, "Muthraud".

Average Intelligence

Depending on the Orc, Their intelligence can vary, But most Orcs are about as smart as humans on average. Sometimes Pure Uruk can be a bit dumber.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Orc names are usually very harsh sounding and hard to pronounce at times, There are some exceptions of course. And sometimes orcs will have a title of sorts as their surname. here are some examples:   Masculine: Gan' Dohlte, Dag-Ud, Dushkrimp, Zug, Lurshnag, Etc.   Feminine: Olga, Rhegven, Agtharz, Uluru, Vawni, Etc.   Last Names/Titles: Borgash, Thunderblade, Gorthug, Spine Eater, Khatar, The Defiler, Etc.

Average Technological Level

While Orcs are certainly able to use higher levels of technology, They choose not to, Deciding instead to use the old ways. They'll normally have certain levels of technology for various things like comfort of casual living, But even then, they'll usually only use stuff like lanterns or wood and hide buildings, Etc.   In combat, They'll only use standard weapons, Swords, Axes, Spears and such. Most Uruk-Hai will choose to use normal weapons that other races would, But Pure Uruk enjoy the cruelty that certain weapons or techniques can afford them, Such as using crooked, Jagged, Rusted blades on most metal weapons, In the hopes to cause extra pain or long term effects. Some are even designed as hooks, To gut a creature after stabbing them with a spear for example. With arrows and ranged weapons, They'll usually poison their arrows, Maybe dip arrows in their special alcohol, Or perhaps into a corpse to give someone a disease.
Average Height
5'0" - 8'0" (1.5 - 2.4 meters)
Average Weight
180lbs - 340lbs (81kg - 154kg)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
All Uruk-Hai can usually have skin tones of every shade of green, yellow or brown, With some rare ones having shades of grey, purple or some other color. Pure Uruk can only come in a desaturated Dark Green or Dark Brown, With the occasional Grey.
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