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The Shivering Isles

The Realm of Madness

The Shivering Isles is a large archipelago located on the Prime Material Plane. However, It technically counts as a pocket plane for a few reasons. It is controlled by two powerful entities that rule over different parts of the islands, Sheogorath and Jyggalag. Once joined as one being, They split apart into two entities, The Deities of Madness and Order respectively. When they split apart, The isles separated into two parts as well, Mania and Dementia. Mania is the embodiment of Chaos, Anything can happen, Anything can appear and the environment, creatures or terrain can change at any point. Dementia is the region ruled by Jyggalag, It is designed to be a depressing and desolate landscape, With various industrial towers and buildings.   The Islands are enchanted in various ways to incite multiple different emotions and mental states, Depending on which part you are at currently. Mania can usually incite most emotions, But it mostly tries to overload it's inhabitants with "happy" emotions. Dementia usually incites despair, loneliness and obedience in it's residents. Most people have also been known to slowly lose their memories or personality while in Jyggalag's region, This is designed to convert people into unmotivated slaves to work in the factories.   The archipelago was actually not on the Prime Material Plane until a few thousand years ago, It existed as it's own realm similar to Hircine's realm. Most people, Including most of the gods, Don't know why the isles are on this plane. The isles suddenly popped up in the east sea one day without reason.


Mania's terrain is wild and will shift occationally, It can be anything. Dementia is essentially a giant, barren, grey wasteland with large fields filled with tree stumps.


Mania's climate can also shift into practically anything at any time. While dementia's climate is always a slightly hot and dry air, You can tell that the air is polluted over there.

Fauna & Flora

While there are no animals in Jyggalag's region, Sheo's region can have practically any animal from any other part of Erethes, Sometimes even having creatures from other realms. Usually with varying sizes, colors and behaviors.


The Madhouse. The capital city of Mania and where Sheogorath himself resides, There is not much to say about this area as it is always changing. But it's probably the nicest place to could visit in the isles, For whatever that's worth.   The Steel Citadel. The capital city of Dementia and the home of Jyggalag, It is a gargantuan, desaturated and Industrial Urban cityscape. Being filled with large steel towers, factories polluting the air in and around the city, And a giant steel and iron palace. For reasons not yet known, It is almost always raining in the city, But not outside of it.   Cream Sheep. A giant statue of a sheep painted to be a cream color, Most people don't know why it's there, But if you ask Sheo he'll probably tell you it's a monument for a fallen friend. Nobody knows if that's the real story or not, Since it changes almost every time he tells it.   Marko, The Almighty Spider King. Not much to say about this one, It's just a city-sized spider named Marko. He can talk, And is very friendly.   Ostro's Market of Extraordinary Goods. A large market owned by a guy named Ostro. It has two parts, One that is a large marketplace on one side of the rainbow forest, And another that is at the top of a large tower across the way. There is a tunnel connecting the two.   Paranoia Grove. A large forest that tends to magically incite paranoia into any that walk inside of it, and while it is true that anything can happen in the forest as well, There are usually a few hundred shadow monsters that are almost always there trying to stay just in your peripheral vision.   Dreamer's Expanse. A large forest clearing with a strange energy throughout, People in this area will often have creatures, things or places from their dreams and imagination come to life to hurt them.   Sorrowful Steelworks. A ginormous factory that is as big as a city almost, This is where the majority of the Jyggalag's product is made.


  • The Shivering Isles
Alternative Name(s)
Realm of Madness, The Madhouse
Additional Rulers/Owners