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High Elf {Erethes}

Having been influenced after their creation by the elven deity, Aur' Sei, These elves believe themselves to be superior to the rest of their elven kin.
  Long ago, Some time before all of the regions were "Discovered", The High Elves as we know them were a group of Wood Elves that claimed Athrae as their ancestral land, As they had been the first rulers of Athrae for hundreds of years. Around the year 8840 BR, Humans and some other races had banded together and once again "Discovered" the area that is now Athrae. After traveling and setting up small settlements along the east coast of the region, They had slowly realized they were not alone, And quickly decided that the best course of action was to run these folk out of the region, The settlers had found it first and they weren't about to let their great discovery be ruined by the natives. And so, They had rallied, Prepared, And nearly wiped out the Wood Elves of Athrae. In a last ditch effort to combat the invaders, The last remnants of the elves banded together and called upon Aur' Sei, A lesser known god at the time. They pleaded with the god to help them in their time of need, Aur' Sei agreed, Transforming the elves into graceful, golden warriors, Which allowed them to gain the upper hand in the fight, Successfully pushing the invaders out of Athrae. And so, Aur' Sei had become the patron deity of the High Elves, Until the humans came back a decade or so later, more prepared and claimed the land as their own.
  That's how the story goes anyway, The story can change depending on the person. Some say that Aur' Sei joined the battle himself, Later changing the elves as a payment of sorts. Others say that Aur' Sei transformed the elves, But it didn't help them at all and their land got taken anyway. Another telling is that all of this Aur' Sei business happened much earlier, Having already been transformed into High Elves decades before the invaders ever arrived. The latter is what a lot of people believe, Due to the sheer amounts of ancient temples and buildings that have been buried over time. A lot of people theorize that there is no way that all of these buildings, Some of which are still being discovered to this day, Were all built in such a short amount of time. We'll never know which is real, It's only known that worship of Aur' Sei and the majority of this ancient society ended several thousand years ago, Only known now by the current High Elven culture and leftover buildings and scripts.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most naming conventions are determined by what region you were born in, But first names usually have more Elvish-sounding tones.   Masculine: Avare, Urtri, Alsteri, Norsten, Lorthri, Etc.   Feminine: Alari, Lorista, Maripha, Pamare, Yaraa, Etc.   Creating names with these sounds, combinations of them or making names that sound similar should work for any High Elven character. Using the Altmer or Elf (Usually Dragon Age or D&D) name generators on Fantasy Name Generators should do the trick as well.

Major Organizations

There are multiple cities and factions that are controlled by High Elves, Including but not limited to: The city of Aycri and the Emerald Path, Cirellia and bits of Tregata, The entire city of Caath, and more.   For other factions or cities, The elves either had little to no involvement with current factions, Or were only part of the process, Not actually being the sole creators of the majority.

Beauty Ideals

The High Elves have a very specific idea of how to be beautiful: Be skinny and agile. Anything less than that will, While not actually resulting in major action, Will definitely cause some stares and judgement.

Gender Ideals

While gender roles exist in most societies, It has a very minimal presence in High Elven culture. Most men and women will very often have the same experiences in life, At least when it comes to societal roles. This is the reason why many high elves can act similar to each other from time to time.
Ancient Society   Back in the ancient elven culture, The High Elves were not named as such, Instead being named Aurlians, To match with their ancestral deity.   Their temples were discovered much later to practically all be devoted to Aur' Sei, With only some of the older ones being dedicated to others, Nature or forest gods, Like Hircine and such.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
5'0" - 6'6" (1.5 - 2 meters)
Average Weight
90lbs - 200lbs (40kg - 90kg)
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