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Death: Tross Lengily

Life, Death

14th of Olym, 765 AV

Tross Lengily was killed by a group of adventurers in his employ, After he had betrayed them.

Tross Lengily, Former Archmage of Kharan and current advisor to Queen Victoria III in the City of Tears, Was found dead with his body in multiple pieces scattered throughout Shimasaki, In the Takahara Isles. His body was hacked up and his torso was found to have a large hole going straight through the middle and out the other side.   While Law-enforcement were unable to identify the body from the face, They did in fact discover who it was, Using his clothing choice, Race and a few other identifing marks or magic. The guard or local governments have no idea who did it, But for the viewer of this article, Tross was murdered by a group of adventurers at the behest of the Prince of Knowledge, Hermaeus Mora. I say at his behest, But one rowdy member had already started the process before ol' Herma Mora said anything about doing so.   Either way, It was quickly discovered after his death that Tross Lengily was a devout worshipper of Hermaeus Mora, As shown by belongings and items found in his tower. Despite this shocking discovery, The Queen of Tears and her accociates are devistated by this loss, But none more so than the young apprentice of Lengily, Raeos Secretstar, Who reportedly has gone on a sort of obessed search for the killer.   From everyone here at the Stream Gazette, We send our thoughts and prayers to any that are hurt by this loss.

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The Takahara Isles
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