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History of Erethes

  • The First Year
    Birth of the First Being
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The previous universe is wiped from existence, And The Abyss is formed out of the emptiness.

  • 10,000 BR - 9500 BR
    Only Living Being
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Ahriman spends the next 500 years alone in the darkness.

  • Circa 9500 BR
    The Gods Are Formed
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Original Gods are formed from the Abyss by Ahriman.

  • Circa 9486 BR
    Additional Gods & Figures are Formed
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Ahriman forms even more gods from the Abyss.

  • 9472 - 9462 BR
    The Creation
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Prime Material Plane, The Hells, The Heavens and The First versions of all races are created.

  • Circa 8893 BR
    Azhi Dahaka Appears
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    For reasons unknown, Even to most of the gods, The Dahaka appears in the world for the first time.

  • Circa 8770 BR
    Birth: Baldur
    Life, Birth

    Baldr is born to Frigga and Odin in Asgard.

  • Circa 8567 BR
    Chaos Incarnate
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Ahriman, Seeing too much good in his new world, Decides to balance the scales for fun.

  • Circa 8473 BR
    Eternal Strife
    Life, Birth

    Ares and Athena are born on Mount Olympus.

  • Circa 8453 BR
    The Battle of Draland
    Military: Battle

    Ares convinces Draland to war with Asgard.

    Draland Province
  • Circa 8325 BR
    Apocrypha's Knowledge
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Hermaeus Mora creates Apocrypha, Mostly as a way to store his knowledge, But also as a refuge to his fellow great old ones.

  • Circa 8250 BR
    Dagon's "Children"
    Life, Birth

    Ahriman creates the Deep Ones, As a way to make the oceans more dangerous.

  • Circa 8196 BR
    The First Fire Giant
    Life, Birth

    Surtr is formed from the heat in the Axtrian Pits.

  • 8123 BR - 8104 BR
    Sickness Cometh
    Plague / Epidemic

    Ahriman creates a new creature and a plague to go along with it, In an effort to thin the herd a little.

  • Circa 8099 BR
    Underdark Refuge
    Discovery, Exploration

    The location where the future first city in the Underdark would be built, Is discovered in the wake of an epidemic.

  • Circa 8094 BR
    Underground Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    Almost exactly half of most race populations travel to live within the underdark, For fear of future plagues.

  • 7841 - 7839 BR
    Sanguinare Vampiris
    Life, Birth

    Molag Bal takes a High Elf woman named Trisleth Saeren as his wife, And a few years later, She births the first vampire.

  • 2nd of Olym, 7715 BR
    Vampiric Bloodline
    Life, Organisation Association

    The Thirst is created by a former member of Alucard's original clan, In hopes of establishing more of a presence in Erethes, First starting in Athrae.

  • 17th of Western Flame, 7688 BR
    Birth: Heracles
    Life, Birth

    The famed hero, Heracles, Is born in Rikos Forest in Olympus.

  • 34th of Toshi, 7463 BR
    Silver Ambition

    The Wolven Dynasty, A large group of Werewolves, Is formed.

  • 4th of Minos, 7364 BR
    Death: Heracles
    Life, Death

    Heracles, Having completed nearly all of his labours, Sought to defeat Chromia, The giant dragon nesting at E' Melenor in The Axtrian Pits. And was swiftly eaten by the beast.

    The Axtrian Pits
  • Circa 5421 BR
    Lakdrassen is founded

    The dwarven city of Lakdrassen is founded by Dunn MacNeal, The First King of Gold.

    Dwarf {Erethes}
  • Circa 3777 BR
    Shivering Surprise
    Geological / environmental event

    The Shivering Isles appear in the east sea for seemingly no reason. Nobody knows how it got there, Or why. Not even most of the gods.

  • 3774 BR - 3768 BR
    The War of Shadows
    Military: War

    After tensions boil over, Odin declares war on the Olympians in order to gain The Amulet of Shadows that is in their possession, Causing a great many losses in the process.

  • Circa 2484 BR
    Founding of Althra

    Althra is Founded and quickly becomes one of the most visited cities in Erethes.

  • 1239 BR - 1236 BR
    The Battle of the Underdark
    Military: War

    Draland and Ach' Mastul decide to war against almost every Underdark city due to existing conflicts, Backed by a few of the neighboring regions and armies such as the Elven city of Cirellia and Lord Ares, Along with his Spartans.

  • 12th of Western Flame, 491 BR
    Eldritch Ambition
    Military: Battle

    The Olympians fight and defeat Cthulhu after he tries to claim their land.

  • 0 BR - 0 AV
    Althra Vanishes
    Disaster / Destruction

    Althra is taken when Ahriman is banished to The Abyss.

  • 3rd of Solace, 126 AV
    Abyssal Cracks
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Multiple portals to the abyss open up around Erethes, Causing Abyssal Halflings to appear in the world for the first time.

  • Circa 460 AV
    Thor's Promise
    Life, Milestone

    Thor starts his long-lasting Sobriety Streak.

  • Circa 489 AV
    Reptilian Sanctuary
    Discovery, Exploration

    An effort is made to actually explore The Unknown Regions for the first time.

  • Circa 761 AV
    Change of Occupation
    Life, Career

    Tross Lengily is removed from his position as Arch-mage of Kharan, And becomes the teacher of Raeos Secretstar.

  • Circa 761 AV
    Actri is Destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Actri is Destroyed by a local bandit tribe, Affecting the lives of everyone there.

    City of Tears
  • 762 AV - 764 AV
    City of Tears Construction
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction on the City of Tears Begins and is Completed.

    City of Tears
  • Circa 764 AV
    Koga's Avarice
    Life, Death

    Kitsuyo Koga is transformed into an Oni and destroys a village, Only to then be slaughtered by a passing adventuring party.

  • Circa 764 AV
    Brewing War
    Political event

    Ares visits the City of Tears to convince the Queen to war with neighboring nations/cities, And to convince the city to build a temple to him, instead of Hestia.

    City of Tears
  • Circa 764 AV
    Siege on the City of Tears
    Military: Battle

    The City of Tears gets sacked, As most of the civilians are okay. However, Almost all of the governmental affiliates are killed in the battle.

    City of Tears
  • 14th of Olym, 765 AV
    Death: Tross Lengily
    Life, Death

    Tross Lengily was killed by a group of adventurers in his employ, After he had betrayed them.

  • 27th of Olym, 765 AV
    Death: Argos
    Life, Death

    Hera's pet monster, Argos, Is murdered by Loki just before the Olympian Reunion was to begin.
