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The Takahara Isles (高原諸島)

Domain of the Shining Light

A large group of Islands located in the East Sea, Home to the Takaharan People and to many mystical creatures rarely found elsewhere. Home to it's own pantheon of gods, They rule over these islands and most of the people that live on them, Influencing the land without being directly a part of it.   It's people are known to be more honorable than most, Following a strict code within everyday life. Such codes may include: Never disrespect the gods, Especially The Shining Light. Never do anything to dishonor any loved ones, Relatives or otherwise. Never be a burden, Either to somebody of higher position than you or to someone extending their kindness. Etc. Certain creatures will sometimes follow these rules as well, Along with some types being more common than most. Takahara has more of a demonic and spiritual presence than other areas, To the point that if you were to tell one of the locals, That you saw a Tengu, Vengeful Spirit or some kind of Devil on the way there, They would most likely act very casual about it. Perhaps they would tell a local monster hunter about it, Or maybe the government would handle it.   At the end of the day, Takahara is a place filled with wonder, excitement, challenge and enlightenment for those that would seek it. But it can also be a place of Peace, Sincerity and Profit for those that would much prefer a peaceful life. Whether your adventuring party is facing a powerful Oni, or a relaxing day at the spa, There's never a boring day in the islands.


Takahara is filled with a variety of climates and terrain, Ranging from mountains and lakes, Forests and grassland, Or karsts and swamps.   The northern parts of the main island are covered in snowy forests, Large mountains and frozen rivers. With multiple Icy caves and snow-covered grasslands in-between. The island belonging to Clan Kaldakinn is similar, But with the island instead being almost completely covered in mountainous terrain, Surrounded by a beautiful coast.   The majority of the islands are more of a neutral temperature, With lush green forests, Maple trees and Cherry blossoms spread around. There are still a decent amount of mountains throughout the main island, As well as multiple nature groves and sprawling grasslands accompanying them. These are the areas with the most noticeable effect during Autumn, The trees and grass turning into beautiful Oranges, Reds and Browns.   Once you start getting into the southern parts of the mainland, The climate becomes noticeably more humid, And the ground starts becoming more swamp-like in it's color and texture. You'll also start seeing the various karsts that are dotted around the area, and the stunning deep green trees and moss that pair with them. This also seems to be the only area where Bamboo grows, On the entire island. The coast starts forming into a more jagged edge, The land slowly elevating the further you go, Culminating the bottom of the island to form a tall cliff overlooking the sea.

Localized Phenomena

Takahara and the surrounding ocean are often victim to almost unnatural "Miststorms", Large amounts of mist and fog (To the point of not being able to see anything over 5-feet away) combined with violent, Long-lasting thunderstorms. These Miststorms will vary in how long they last, While also being sudden, Not having really any kind of tell that one is coming at all, Save for the unique smell.


The northern part of the island is about as cold as you would expect, However, The more green parts of the islands are bombarded with cool breezes and gentle winds all year 'round. The only thing that really changes between seasons is how strong the winds end up getting, With them being the strongest during Winter and the weakest during Summer.

Fauna & Flora

Many of the usual animals and plants reside here, Except for a few differences. For starters, A lot of the trees are quite different, And they grow in unusual ways. Most areas where trees grow rampant, Have equal chances to grow practically any type of tree, But mostly Pine, Oak, Maple and Cherry.   Where the islands really stand out are the local creatures, But we'll focus on a very specific animal for this. Foxes run wild around these parts, Quite possibly being the most common animal on the mainland, Aside from Wolves and Deer. The foxes like to lure people into dangerous areas, Usually involving other animals, Examples include: Luring you into a wolves den, Leading you into a dead end just so a bear can block the only way out, Etc.   Foxes are known to be agents of Inari, And are just a bunch of tricksters waiting for an opportunity to ruin some poor souls day. Sometimes a normal fox will actually end up being a Kitsune, A legitimate powerful spirit, Be careful if this ends up happening.

Natural Resources

Now, Takahara has lots of wood and animals to sustain itself, The main resource that the islands are known for: Is farm-grown foods, Stuff like grain, rice, wheat and various vegetables. To the point that the majority of overseas business deals in trading grown goods to other neighboring regions. The thing they really lack is quality metals, As the majority of the earth near the islands have metals that break very easily, Making it not ideal for weapons and armor. This is where they attempt to bargain with places like Lakdrassen and Asgard, In order to gain usable ore.


Kuramamoto. The largest city on any of the islands and Head of the current government. Number one place to go see for most people first visiting.   The Temples (Anzen, Shizukana, Shiren & Heiwa). Great places to seek enlightenment, To make new friends or learn how to use certain weapons. The monks are always willing to accept people in need, Even supplying food and shelter within reason.   Kaldakinn. A large Norse town located on one of the snowy islands near the mainland, It is home to a tribe of Vikingr that are disconnected from Drengrheim.   Shimasaki. The second largest city on the mainland, But the more popular one for most locals. Often the safest town, Due to a lot of mercenaries and monster hunters hanging out here.   Seirei-no-Mori. "Did you just say you're going to visit the forest of spirits?! Do NOT go there, No matter what. The whole place is infested with the damned, And the ones that punish them. You should really not go over there unless you're fully prepared to defeat them, And for the consequences if you can't." - Takeuji Yamaoka, Known Criminal.   Peak of Contemplation. A large temple/house that sits atop the highest place in Takahara that isn't a mountaintop, It is inside of a large and beautiful cherry blossom grove.   Yin Shui Karst. A large karst that covers such a large portion of the island horizontally, That you almost have to pass through it if you aren't taking a boat to the south side of the mainland. This area is also home to many people, People that have their houses suspended on and in the side of the cliffs.   The Sacred Blossom. A ginormous cherry blossom tree that is regarded as holy, Said to be the first thing to ever grow on any of the islands. Said to also have other properties, Properties that seemingly only Amaterasu knows.   Samato Inn & Spa. A large inn placed in the middle of nowhere, It houses comfortable lodging, Great prices and excellent food, drink and services. Including hot springs, massages and overall care. A godsend for any adventurer to stumble across.
The Rebellion   Sadly, The rule of the Takaharan gods don't sit very well with a large group of the population. As a result, There is currently an uprising of sorts being planned in the shadows. Calling themselves "The Jiyū Rebels", They plan to overthrow the government in any way they can, Giving the power back to the mortals in the process. They have multiple locations as of right now and a large war camp located near Osoroshi Pass, Which serves as their main base of operations.   Their leader is currently unknown, And nobody really knows how big their numbers actually are, Only that they're growing every passing day. There are occasional sightings of this group, Sometimes a messenger will be seen entering a town, Perhaps a man will be seen skulking on a rooftop scouting for information. Whatever the situation may be, The rebels are constantly waiting for an opportunity to present itself.


  • The Takahara Isles
The Shining Light   The almighty ruler of the isles, Lady of the heavens, Amaterasu strives to bring about an era of peace and prosperity for all, No matter who or what may stand in her way.   While Amaterasu does not actively influence the affairs of the isles, Necessarily, She does have multiple people under her control, Willing to do anything for her. Gods and Mortals alike. She covets other peoples power: Seeking to help "Liberate" other territories, Such as Draland or Athrae, Especially Drengrheim and Stre' Kaas, As she believes that those are the locations that need help, Freedom from their tyrannical rulers. She has been thinking of taking the land of the Vikingr for quite some time, Only delaying due to a lack of a clear plan.