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13 - Black is the new white

General Summary

Those chosen by the will of the crystal.... officially

Having given Pope Braska Guado permission and signatures, the party decides to make their status as crystal warriors known to the world. It comes with a few terms, such as the party now needs to act like shining beacons of hope, and power. All the countries respective governments have agreed to the announcement. The party must be seen to act in a fashion considered 'good' for the crystals, the planet, and it's people. They are also to keep the official logo of the crystal warriors upon their person, visible at all times. (Branded magically but invisibly, as well as physically on their armour/cloaks) There is to be an official ceremony, taking place later in the month so the group gets a little downtime.


Rest and preparation

Zephyr Highwind pays 10,000 Gil for a fake ID, hoping to keep his real name secret when they go public. Everyone else provides their real names and information. Kupo continues his studies, having spent a full month studying black magic for at least 15 hours a day. He resigns from The White Mages and joins The Black Mages. Arrex Nairin buys a new chicken. This one doesn't die. (yet)


Or not

The group decides to scour the bounty board, looking for something to earn a little gil. They decide to deal with some hill giants that have been taking a 'toll' from caravans coming in from a certain road towards Crysteria. They head out, after renting a cart and horses, intending to ambush the beasts.


They decide upon a plan, and sneak up towards the two huge Giants, both of whom are wearing ragged dress and wielding giant clubs.


Then, Vexacious Rein gives the order to attack, much to the surprise of the party. Combat ensues, the cart, and both rental horses are destroyed by the giants, one of whom goes in to a rage upon seeing her friend die. Eventually, the party seize a simple victory (despite poor Vex being thwacked in the head early on, for critical damage, and KO.)


They then set about looting the area, seeing the piles of goods taken by the giants. They find about 2000gil in mixed jewelry, and a small eleven year old girl named Carli, who seems to not want to talk to the group very much, traumatised by the whole ordeal that she survived only by hiding in a pile of corpses. The group escort her home, paying a fine of 13500 gil for the destroyed cart and horses, but receiving a reward of 100,000 gil for the job.


Prima Vista

The time for the ceremony comes around, and the group spends most of it hidden away in the Pope's private quarters, stepping out after he deals with all the introductions and gives the event just the right amount of buildup. The party then steps out, facing a huge crowd as what seems like most of Crysteria have packed in to the Holy Palace for the event. They all announce themselves and the element they represent. Their declarations are mostly met with cheers and applause, however a small group of people seem displease, shouting out about falsehoods and lies, before being escorted out by the guards.


The group are also given an upgraded base of operations, more befitting their new roles. The Party Stronghold now much larger, with work starting on a chicken coop, a chocobo stable, and a large kitchen/dining room. The banners and artistry are all painted in black and red.

  Session end date: 25/3/279

Rewards Granted

55% exp, 88500 gil

Missions/Quests Completed

Defeated 2 hill giants, saving Carli (5% exp, 88500 gil)
Announced as those chosen by the Crystal, formally (50% exp)

Character(s) interacted with

Quest Log
Generic article | Nov 28, 2018
Crystal Tracker
Generic article | Sep 7, 2018
Teleportation Network
Generic article | Sep 28, 2018
Eriad Campaign
Zar'ral Helvimtor
Zephyr Highwind
Vexacious Rein
Arrex Nairin
Report Date
01 Oct 2018
Primary Location

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Cover image: by Eldi13


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