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Thicker Than Water

Thicker Than Water was the first campaign of Main Group B and took place in Fiha.  

The player characters in this campaign:

==Session One===

  • A duo of social outcasts made their way into the Fihan outpost of Fort Westwind after receiving a summons from Queen Tara Ironhearth's personal guard, Sir Alaric
  • The duo consisted of the Fighter Khenra named Morihaus and the Ranger Lycan Shifter without a name, but referred to simply as Nobody by those around him
  • Alaric informed the two that they would be tasked with killing a vampire as a form of political assassination, but first, they needed to head off to find a merchant that left without dropping off Alaric's order of supplies
  • After Nobody repeatedly saying who he wasn't (A politician / An assassin / A thief), the two left the fort along with a mute guard named Flores, but not before Morihaus picked up an average-sized rock on the ground
  • While traveling through the woods, they came upon a squirrel named Bill who offered to help Nobody find some treasure in exchange for some nuts
  • Shortly after, the trio found the merchant, Hoobob Jabooby, being attacked by bandits. They quickly dispatched the bandits as Flores healed them
  • Hoobob gave the party ten wooden stakes with silver end caps to use on their quest
  • After the party corraled Hoobob's runaway horses, they ventured back to Fort Westwind
  • On their way, Bill came back to Nobody and gave him an amethyst he found, though unfortunately no nuts were exchanged
  • At the fort, instead of seeing Alaric, the party was greeted by a rather unhappy Queen Tara Ironhearth, whom of which they convinced they meant no harm
  • Quickly Alaric interrupted and explained the situation, then brought the party downstairs to explain more
  • They learned that Alaric was actually the son of Lady Lenora Katesh and wished to kill her brother Rickond Katesh as he posed a great threat to not only the vampire clans but potentially the world as a whole
  • Before the information was finished, however, the party was interrupted by members of the Brotherhood of Silver demanding to start an inquisition in the surrounding cities and towns

==Session Two==

  • After a short exchange with the Brotherhood of Silver, tensions turn into combat, as Nobody and Morihaus protected the fort and Flores and Alaric protected the party
  • With precision accuracy from both members of the party, they were able to defeat the two Brotherhood of Silver agents and learned from looting the corpses that the demand for the Inquisition came from the very top, from Darius Kalyriex
  • With that knowledge in mind, the party informed Alaric of the danger, causing him to send the queen with his lieutenant Tiberius to Jormund and his other lieutenant Camille IceVein to Rift, while he would go to Briar
  • Before he left, however, the party was informed that they must travel to Blackfall to meet with a man named Davros Melaníe
  • On the way to Blackfall, the party saw a dragon flying across the sky and they followed to where he landed
  • The duo entertained the dragon, Gilreass, with stories of their lives that touched his heart and so he gave each party member a gift of their exchange, giving Morihaus a new longbow and Nobody a new spell
  • When the party arrived in Blackfall, they went into the inn, The Blind Marksman, and met their contact, Davros Melaníe
  • Davros informed them of his plans going forward and told them to rent rooms on the third floor and Nobody quickly followed suit
  • Morihaus however, read a map for a man in the inn out of kindness, thus inspiring the woman he was talking to named Eidara. In response, she gifted him a bracelet with her name engraved into it in dwarvish
  • Then he went shopping, buying potions and a weapon, but he quickly ran out of money. He decided to try to trade a free room in the inn for his average-sized rock, and luckily for him the owner thought the rock would be perfect for his rock collection and accepted
  • Just before he settled down for bed, Morihaus practiced intimidating himself in the mirror till he could finally scare himself to sleep

==Session Three==

  • In the morning, Davros gave the party another rundown of the plans. Travel to the Red Fields (a mortal cattle farm). Find Byron Katesh. Find out information on Rickond's plans. Potentially save prisoners. And DO NOT get caught.
  • The trio headed east on the roads and set up camp to wait out the day, but were ambushed by Brotherhood of Silver agents, lead by Sir Marlene the WhiteBlade of Fauge. Fortunately, Morihaus and Nobody were able to begin the fight with a surprise from the brush. This unexpected encounter resulted in the death of the two Brotherhood of Silver agents and the cowardlike fleeing of Sir Marlene
  • Despite being heavily beaten down, Morihaus and Nobody tried to chase her down, but were met with an encampment of the Brotherhood of Silver and very quickly turned around
  • The trio moved their camp further down the path into the trees to rest for a few hours till night fell so they could enact their plan
  • Upon reaching the Red Fields, the three snuck their way into the manor on the property and began searching through the rooms
  • On the second floor, with the aid of Davros, Nobody pierced the heart of a sleeping vampire with one of their special wooden stakes, killing him instantly. They then started searching rooms and pilfering through chests. Morihaus was able to come across some pieces of the arcanocurrency called Luxen (1.5 coins specially)
  • Upon reaching the third floor, the party first entered a storage room opposite a locked door, then made their way into Byron's room. Within, they stole a key and found the information they were searching for: Byron will murder Lenora the day after the blood moon
  • While they were in Byron's room, several people walked right past them, including members of The Order of the Bloodied One that met with Byron
  • After a tense few minutes, the three peered through the keyhole of the room opposite Byron's bedroom. They identified the vampires in the conference room as Byron Katesh, Helvetica Derth, Lucius Ormerus, and Ochako Noruno (who joined the meeting late). As they watched, they saw Ochako look towards them, smirk, then look back, knowing they were there
  • Out of fear, the party then went to try unlocking the locked door, but first, it was being opened on the opposite side. They quickly hid in the storage room as they heard loud military boots walking towards the meeting room
  • After the coast was clear, the party went into the locked room and found a woman chained up and beaten. They convinced her of their nonhostility and she told them her name was Eibara and her sister is named Eidara and lives in Blackfall. It was then that Morihaus gave her the bracelet her sister gave him causing her to tear up and beg for them to sneak her out and try to save the other prisoners in the barn outside. She also informed the party that the vampire torturing her was Fiona Hentek
  • Davros offered to sneak her out to their campsite while the other two free the prisoners in the barn. Morihaus and Nobody searched the remaining fourth floor and Morihaus stole a shield from a weapons room
  • Quickly, the duo made their way to the barn to free the prisoners. However, the first person they encountered was none other than a man from Morihaus's past, Proditores, the man who killed his sister, Cassandra. Having a new understanding of mercy brought forth in his more recent years, Morihaus freed him along with the rest of the prisoners
  • With extreme stealth and precision, the pair were able to guide the newly liberated prisoners to safety at their camp, while silently killing two more vampires in the fields
  • At the camp, they met with Davros and Eibara then headed further onto Blackfall. Once arrived, the duo went to the town's lord (well, lady) to inform of the dangerous vampire situation while Davros and Eibara went to the inn to see Eidara and talk to the owners about getting rooms for the liberated prisoners
  • Morihaus and Nobody did a little shopping around the town after all is done and returned to their rooms in the inn so they could prepare to continue on with Davros to Farthal

==Session Four==

  • The next morning, the party ventured northwest to head to Farthal
  • Along their travels, the party encountered a werewolf standing above numerous Brotherhood of Silver corpses
  • Davros snuck past, but Morihaus and Nobody had to converse with the werewolf as he came over to them. The two realized there was common ground with the lycan and bid him a nice day
  • Continuing on days later, Morihaus tripped over a metal six sided die, then Nobody rolled it and before the party appeared an entity that referred to himself as The Gambler
  • Morihaus accepted The Gambler's deal and sold a portion of his soul for the potential of immense power. His eyes began to look like that of a nebula in the night sky
  • Upon reaching Farthal, Morihaus remembered the location of a treasure he had seen the map of, along with the corpse of the man who he read the map for. It appears he triggered the traps first
  • Morihaus and Nobody heaved the treasure out and found several thousand gold's worth of gems
  • Davros then told the party that he would have to leave them the next morning as he had other business to attend to in another country
  • After shopping around for a bit and selling their gems, the duo was informed of the dangers of the mine and so they went in and fought magical luminae crystal golems that had kept the townsfolk out
  • Nobody retrieved their hearts and had them used to infuse his blade with the magic of the golems
  • Afterward, the two entered the inn, had some conversation, and went to bed
  • However, they were woken up in the middle of the night by the sounds of flesh and metal colliding outside, while a blood-red light streamed into their rooms
  • Nobody rallied everyone in the inn to aid them outside and fight off the vampire attack
  • While in the end, the townspeople were successful in repelling the vampire advances, many of the guards in the town were killed that night
  • Everyone regrouped inside the inn and barricaded it shut. Nobody and Morihaus begged Davros to stay and infiltrate Castle Forvolth with them. Proudly, he agreed, stating his other business can wait until the Rickond threat was taken care of

==Session Five==

  • The morning after the night of bloodshed, Nobody went on to give a speech asking for aid to attack Castle Forvolth, but Davros quickly calmed him down and explained that they only must deal with Rickond, not all of the vampires
  • The trio then ventured up the mountain where they were stopped by Sir Marlene and several Brotherhood of Silver knights
  • In response, Morihaus rolled his die that The Gambler gave to him and sumoned an astral unicorn to aid them in the fight. The battle was harrowing, as Nobody went down, but was brought back up so the group could fend off and finally slay their adversaries, not letting Sir Marlene escape again
  • Through the mountains, the group went into a cave and climbed up the outhouse shoot to gain entrance to the castle
  • Within, they began exploring room by room as Nobody peered through the doors to check if there were any vampires around. Thankfully in most cases, there weren't
  • After a while of searching, the trio overheard Byron speaking with an unknown vampire about the plans to kill Lenora happening soon in the cathedral
  • The party then descended down a set of stairs to make their way through the old Forvolth Catacombs, which were covered in dust and spiderwebs
  • Then they made their way back to where they came in and descended a set of stairs, leading to what appeared to be a portal room
  • Within that room, the party encountered Ochako Noruno exiting the portal, who then encouraged them to defeat Rickond
  • She left, leaving them to enter the portal as Nobody rushed in
  • They were transported to a snowy land with only one path before them that headed north
  • Upon reaching the end of the path, they encountered a sacrificial altar with a bleeding out creature that looked like a baby dragon
  • After seeing this, Nobody called upon the god that created him, Otemis, to replace the dragon with him, giving the dragon new life and taking his. Despairingly, Otemis granted his creation's wish
  • Nobody's soul shone a bright emerald green as he entered Lathos and the young dragon, named Tyrrio, approached Morihaus as it sensed Nobody's last wishes for Morihaus to raise the dragon to live a great life
  • Before the rattled group returned to the portal, they noticed Nobody's magical sword drop into the snow. Davros picked it up for safekeeping as they returned to the portal room
  • Not knowing what to do, Morihaus, Davros, and Tyrrio stood back in the portal room of Castle Forvolth thinking to themselves of how they will venture forward now

==Session Six==

  • Upon returning to the castle, Morihaus and Davros heard a noise from the nearby prison block
  • They came across a small pale Fighter Changeling named Vil
  • Vil was freed by Morihaus from her cell and told the group where she had overheard the cathedral was. Vil then decided to help the party in exchange for them freeing her
  • Slowly, the newly forged party snuck their way through the castle and made their way to the cathedral
  • After descending the stairs, the party heard a man's yelling from behind a set of doors
  • The party burst through the door to see Rickond facing down Lenora. Their interruption brought a distraction that allowed Lenora to escape while the party fought Rickond and his men
  • The fight was tense, as Morihaus had commanded Tyrrio to aid in the combat while Vil showed the rest of the party what she was capable of
  • Perhaps she had gotten too ambitious however, as Vil locked blades with Rickond directly in a duel that danced them back and forth across the cracked tiles. It was a give and take that resulted in the loss of Vil's left arm at the hands of Rickond
  • As Rickond's allies fell one by one, Vil took her vicious revenge by impaling Rickond with one of her swords, finally ending his life
  • Once the combat had subsided, Lenora rejoined the party and thanked them much to her dismay. She fetched their reward from Alaric and quickly ushered them out, sending them down the mountain back to Farthal
  • In Farthal, Morihaus suggested to Vil to make a deal with The Gambler to try to get her arm fixed. She decided to take it and became another game piece for The Gambler to play with. As a result, a new spectral arm took the place of where her old left arm was and she could dual weild blades once more
  • The party returned to the inn to recuperate and Vil showed that she was a changeling and disturbed multiple people in the process, also inadvertently causing Davros to not get to order a meal
  • Before Davros retired for the night and bid farewell to the party, an exhausted blue-haired woman burst into the inn and over to their table. She informed them that she was acting as a courier for Queen Tara Ironhearth and that the party must venture to Jormund, Rift, or Briar to aid in the defense of one of the cities from the Brotherhood of Silver
  • In the end, the party chose that thy would head to Jormund to regroup with Tiberius and the Queen herself
      To Be Continued in Nights of Silver...


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