Drink of Ichor

To listen to that fellow down the street is to take a drink of Ichor...

The drink of Ichor is an Earthren story often used as a warning to children about the dangers of temptations and the unknown. It was first told as a fictionalized version of the start of the Devastation pandemic, created to tell a moral. Generally, it was originally spread by those that had been critical of the Elementals return to the open oceans from the start. At least, those that had been critical that were still able to tell it. In modern times it is a story that has become almost exclusive to the Earths, given its main themes, warnings, and that it suggests to give up a chance to take what you want.

Related species
Earth Elemental


As the story goes, some sailors are out at sea, travelling to make a delivery of a rather sizeable value. Unfortunately, they are attacked by thieves. The crew is spared their lives, but their large delivery is for someone else to profit with instead. Left to lament over nothing to show their families when they arrive back into port, many begin to demand repayment from their captain that chose to surrender.

It is at this point in the story when a mysterious figure appears on the deck of the ship amid the fighting. Their arrival brings a silence to the sailors, who all are fixated on the figure. The exact description of this character varies wildly. What happens next is largely consistent. The figure speaks to the sailors, telling them that they needn't fight among one another when there is a simple answer to their sorrows. When questioned about what could possibly be this answer, the figure reaches into their robes and pulls out a clear bottle, filled with a black drink. It's darkness consuming all the surrounding light.

It is explained that this is Ichor, and all they would have to do is take a drink, and it will fill them with enough power to punish their enemies for the misdeeds. That a sip is enough to give them the strength to bring entire nations to their knees. The creature requests nothing in return, insisting that bringing an end to the sailor's lamenting is more than enough payment.

Those that feel the most wronged by the thieves agree quickly. For some of them are driven by revenge, and others would rather arrive back at port dead than empty-handed. The majority drink, suddenly filled with an unknowable strength. Some versions insist that this made the soldiers immune to being cut even by Golden weapons, others imply a dark magic. Regardless, all versions have the sailors drink the Ichor. The figure disappears once the last drop has been drank. And the sailors go to hunt down the thieves. Slaughtering them.

Their victory is short-lived, however, as they would find out on their trip back to their home port after selling the goods. Already sick, they still celebrate with their family, certain that it is something innocent. Fatigue perhaps? But soon enough, the truth of the power the Ichor provided to bring nations to their knees is not raw power... But comes in the form of Devastation Syndrome. With the sailors as its first victims, and slaves to the Corruption.


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