Ocean Navigating Ships

A class of ships designed to be able to survive the constantly changing conditions away from shore in Erina's waters. Ship building, at least those large enough to sail out to sea, had largely been abandoned from the end of the Age of Mourning. The Mourning War destroyed many ships, and with what was a major shift in the world's environment on top of what needed to be rebuilt in the decades that followed, there was no time nor resources for ocean fairing vessels to be created.

Once Elementals did return to the seas, they found the dangers quickly within. In fact, the only successful voyage at the time was known to be the one that lead to the discovery of Dragons in the southwest continent. But even that trip ended where it did due to the ships' destruction as it faced the great Elemental Storms. With the newly discovered dragons, and their utilities, ships fell even more to the wayside. They cost too much, and no one had any idea how to build one that wouldn't be destroyed so easily. At least not without constructing an entire vessel out of Gold. This was out of the question, of course.

Enter Ocean Navigating Ships circa ?3600?. Developed by Janika Nykänen, these ships were created with a steel-Gold alloy. Significantly cheaper than a pure Gold hull, the alloy allowed Janika to engineer the first ship the world had seen in centuries. Using the few texts that remained about ship building, the TN Miststride was born. Its first voyage was met with much skepticism. Janika barely managed to build a large enough crew, given that the perception was that any trip out into the ocean would be a death sentence. But with enough money offered in case of death to the families and also the chance of even more if they returned, eventually people agreed to join the Lightning engineer.

The voyage was a success, convincing multiple investors that such an option was viable. It would come out a few years later that had it not, or if Janika had not made so much money with her patented design, that she never would have had the money she offered to the crew.

For over a decade, Ocean Navigating Ships ruled the world's waves. Gaining traction as a more affordable method of mass travel for both trade and personal means than Enigma Crystals. There was a time when it was touted as being safer than travelling by dragons, which was partly true. Couldn't fall from kilometres in the air if you were in a boat instead. Those that had money invested in the ships had a good reason to make sure that casualties from using them stayed quiet. It quickly became a job position for those at the shipping companies. Go in, hand out the jewels, make people feel better.

And all of it was going well. Right up until people started getting sick, and sicker still. Then suddenly all better.

Devastation brought the collapse of the short-lived empire of Ocean Navigating Ships. As quarantines hit, travel was restricted. Trade closed. And then the truth of all those incidents of people falling over board into tar black waters came out. As the world was split by the effects of the syndrome, the ships fell right into the crevice. And did not survive the landing.


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