The Oceans

And to think the humans never managed to truly explore the ocean in their time... We will never rediscover what they wrote about, if it even still exists out there. And we certainly have no chance to ever surpass them in this regard
— Dr. Raven Jen

Once the regular, dangerous and vast kind of ocean, the events at both the beginning and the end of the Age of Mourning brought with it a new kind of danger to the large amounts of water on Erina. The deeps swirl with constantly mixing Elemental Energies, and anything else that burst through into the world.

Most of this presents itself as constant storms and events. One moment the waters could be calm, and the next you're trying to navigate the lava that you find yourself in. Elemental storms erupt at random, and are almost impossible to predict aside from brief moments before they happen. Exploring the depths is essentially out of the question, and even fishing this far away from shore becomes a danger. You never truly know what kind of creatures you'll pull from the depths, or if there even are any. It's hard to believe that much can survive the conditions, and when the effects involve the changing of waters to other substances at random, it's unlikely that there are many species that can survive all the different elemental conditions. Some theorize that the Elemental storms effects only go so deep, and that life may still remain stable at the extreme depths.

The time between the Ocean Navigating Ships being invented and the world's decision to abandon the oceans entirely is short. There are a few reports on the great creatures that were seen. Usually by the words of those that survived the encounter, explaining where everyone else on their ship went. It is understood well enough that the Eternal Storms of Tora are known to have arisen from the ocean. It does seem that closer to the shores, these Elemental Storms become more influenced or filtered by the Elemental Energy of the dominant Elemental species on the land. Hence, why the eternal storms are great thunderstorms, and not storms that rain lava. But these act as a small sample of what awaits anyone that travels past where they can see the coast.

Now, the oceans find themselves slowly revealed by those that end up drifting too far into them, explaining their stories during their 3-month quarantine. But for those that are unlucky enough to fall into them from the skies above, there is no one there to save them. Your best hope is that the crash against the water's surface will kill you, before the water you tread becomes something much more lethal.


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