
A city in Southern Firina, which has an interesting demographics distribution due to the amount of POW's and their families who were moved to it over the different wars in return for agreeing to cooperate with the Firen military. As such, even to this day the city has a reputation as being a refuge from those that not only don't feel attached to Tierra and Tora, but are shunned away by their own communities. Hence, the city is both very accepting of those of both mixed descent, and those that intend to move in, but wary around any 'tourists' that come from the other countries. It is also the only city in Firina to currently have an Earthren War cooperator as its minister, speaking volumes of the number of its residents who find they represent them.

As a major city, Riedhurst has a wall complete with generators for its Force Fields, and guarded by a significant military force. Because of this, it has a large industry, including military. Given it's larger than usual demographic of non-Fires, there is also a large amount of agriculture, mining, and research and development that is found here. It acts a central city for the region, drawing those in for work or for trade from the smaller cities and towns around it. It contains a prison as well, which for the ancestors of the War Cooperators would have been their first point of arrival before being freed into the (at the time) small city. At the moment, it serves as a low security prison, mostly for those with minor crimes and short sentences.

It is likely the only city in Firina where you could expect a house to have a basement in it. As well, the city makes sure that all their public broadcasts have subtitles in common for those that are not Fires. It's home to Firina's largest Dragon racing team as well.
Large city


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