War Cooperators

My great-grandfather knew how lucky he had gotten. He'd seen the fates of the POW's that his side took, and seen the even worse ending for the men. Instead, the Fires gave him a warm meal, a private place to stay, promised him a home for his family, just for some information. He gave it. They called him a defector. And he laughed at the fools that called themselves loyalists even as he faded away.
— A War Cooperator's descendent
  Those that defected to the Firen side from their own, and their descendent's both remain in special regard in Firina. Allowed to stay, provided citizenship, and exiled by their own countries if they ever tried to return, these non-Firen Elementals have lived and raised their children in a unique situation. Finding themselves a blend of those that originally came over ideals, and those of the Fires that they live amongst.

The cooperators during the war would continue to either raise children there, or found love amongst Firina's citizens. Regardless, their children would be raised in Firen culture, able to participate almost as much as any Fire was. The only exception was military service. But given the large influx of non-Firen children in the cities that they were settled in such as Reidhurst, classes were created to even allow these students to take basic training just like all Firina's citizens are required to.

Overall, they were as accepted as anyone else was, despite minor growing pains. Now their descendants are a group, partially made up of Mixed Elementals, and both Firen and non-Firen Elementals. The group is very accepting of those they find themselves excluded from their home countries do to their beliefs. They are often more suspicious of those that are tourists. This does not go unwarranted. As much as the Fires remember their ancestor's exchange, so do those that lived in the countries that lost the war. The information given up did greatly work towards costing many of Firina's enemy's soldiers their lives. Even non-Fires that have no relations to the War Cooperators find themselves targets of accusations that their family betrayed their home. Earths are particularly the ones that do so, given their strict belief about family.

As for culture, the group as a whole is significantly desensitized to violence. Actively encouraging it, in fact. And while their neighbours may have to take it a little easier than normal, War Cooperators are well known for putting up a good fight. Biting and scratching their way to victory, just like the Fires do. They look down upon those that resort to cheap tricks like using Earth magic on Fires to win a fight, believing that if you pick a fight, you better mean to actually fight it. In the past, this was probably ingrained by the originals who came over, understanding that Firen respect and even comradery relied on being able to grapple on the ground in a moment's notice.

And to those that gave up the information, a few nasty injuries that it took to learn how to fit in were worth it. At the time, most of the world had restrictions on men being able to attend school, own property, or hold certain positions. Firina may have been a brutal war machine, and have a culture that meant there was no true peace. But to the low rank soldiers, it was the first time they'd ever had freedom. An opportunity for their sons to have the chances that they never had.


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