
Consort of Serpents
Lady of Binding Coils

"The world deserves no mercy, no pity. Let those with power rule, to determine the destiny of the world. And to bind the rest to serve, in life or in death.
— Kalomora, Daughter of Shayliss
  One of the Veiled Children, Shayliss has very little known about her to the broader world. In fact, merely her primary epithet, "Consort of Serpents", is perhaps the best known aspect of her existence and goals. Common knowledge has her being a driving force behind intelligent serpentine beings such as serpentfolk raiders, and some dare to present her as one of the draconic deities. (It is ill-advised to do this, as dragons are vehemently opposed to even the mere suggestion.) These same sources describe the Consort's motives as being simply to tear down civilization through her chosen tools. This is not quite the complete truth, and believing it is so can be more hazardous than whatever hordes Shayliss can muster.

A second epithet is lesser-known, spread amongst her faithful in the Sebilian jungle: "The Lady of Binding Coils". The ideals being brought through these followers is rooted in the idea Shayliss is destined to control the world after purging it of those who defy her. They either work to eliminate obstacles with overwhelming force, or by subverting their wills. Scholars who have become aware of this group of followers term them the 'Binding Coils', playing off the epithet, but it is not known what these people call themselves.

What is fully known of Shayliss in the Myrisian archives is shockingly little, but it is believed she is indeed a demonic entity. Demons are known to have limited power to influence Erisdaire, even more so than deities, and Shayliss has used hers to alter the destiny of serpentfolk to serve her ends. Demons' power and station are measured by how many followers they have, and what forces can be mustered in their name. By cultivating the serpentfolk into fervent worshippers, it improves her station while providing souls bound to serve after death. As such, the eventual goal is to turn Erisdaire into a place from which to send armies against her rival demons. Getting there will require patience, and centuries of careful movements in order to fully "own" the mortals of Erisdaire.

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