Emeline Desreumaux Character in Wayward Saga | World Anvil

Emeline Desreumaux

The middle child of the current rulers of the Unity of Astrindon, Emeline is both a textbook, and rather unorthodox princess at the same time. She has lofty, somewhat naive beliefs and goals, but does appear to grasp the reality of her world in ways that many others do not, even those who have lived lives full of hardship. This is likely due to the strange events surrounding her birth that has eventually culminated in her being given titles such as "Daughter of Constellations", "Beacon Princess" or "Child of Convergence". While Emeline herself is not empowered by a Ley Focus, by decree of fate or some other form of effect, she seems to attract empowered people from all across Erlyse into her vicinity, almost always through means unbeknownst to them or her. Through this odd phenomenon, Emeline has met more empowered people in her short lifetime than even most elder members of R.I.S.E. have, and the effect has recently come under both praise and scrutiny by a wide assortment of individuals, from commoners, scholars and other nobles. Since the effect is still an unknown, tensions with Astrindon have been on the rise with other nations on Ourobos to add to the commonplace stress the kingdom experiences simply for being in the center of the continent.


Hobbies & Pets

Emeline's closest companion is Qimor, a Varralkat who grew up alongside her since he was a cub. This practice has been a tradition of her family throughout the ages, as her father and brother have ones as well. Qimor, however, while slightly smaller in bulk than his counterparts, seems to have a more innate understanding of humans and better problem solving skills, proving the intelligence his species is known to possess, and is far more talented in stealth. The pair are often inseparable, only seen apart when Emeline's royal duties require Qimor to be absent.
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Daughter of Constellations, Beacon Princess, Child of Convergence
Pale violet
Light brown, kept loose but elegant, and tends to vary in length based on season of year.
5’ 4” (1.8 m)
112 lbs.
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Nychse
Character Portrait image: by Helavel


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