Unity of Astrindon Organization in Wayward Saga | World Anvil

Unity of Astrindon

Astrindon is the centrally seated nation on the continent of Ourobos, and one of the three power players among the various nations upon it. Sitting in the center, Astrindon shares a border with all other nations on the Ourobos mainland with the exception of Osmya Fens, and this places them in a strategic, yet often precarious position politically. The nation is run by a constitutional monarchy, where the royal family serves as one part of the parliament and is actively involved in the decision making for the nation while not holding supreme power.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Legislative Body
The Desreumaux Family (Monarchs), The Court of Commons (Parliament)
Controlled Territories

Articles under Unity of Astrindon

Cover image: by Nychse


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