Sir Kenneth Greene

This character's art was donated by, and some details created by my friend, Jake.

I will do my best to keep your spirit alive through him, bud. You will be missed.
— Ryan

Sir Kenneth Greene is the last surviving member of the long lineage of House Maraix, one of the founding families of nobles that formed the nation of Astrindon. He was only sixteen when he and two of his cousins were on a pilgrimage to visit the ancient site at the Zaltfeld Overlook in Ishtos to learn more about the first ever empowered person on Erlyse, Aborisas, when tragedy struck the family. Another empowered individual, who was known as "Vex" within R.I.S.E. and had just acquired their powers, had decided to act upon a past incident with Kenneth's father as a form of retribution for a perceived wrongdoing. This afflicted everyone in the entire family, Kenneth included, with a terminal illness that acted swiftly upon them all at the same time. Most of the family perished from the sickness within the first hour after contracting it, and only Kenneth was spared thanks to his own personal vitality keeping him alive long enough that luck worked in his favor. The R.I.S.E. hero, Apothecary, happened to be traveling the same road as his carriage, and happened upon the site of the family's servant attempting and failing to aid the young Kenneth. Through her own abilities, Rein was able to diagnose and treat the illness before it claimed the youth's life, but afflicted him with the stigma of being a sole survivor of his entire family line. After a brief service within Astrindon's military, he has since sold his family's former holdings and set off as a drifter, offering his talents in combat as a swordsmanship instructor and occasionally as a bodyguard for hire.
Neutral Good
Wevelcort, Astrindon
Current Residence
None, nomadic.
Ice blue
Blonde, short but with long bangs.
6' 1"
230 lbs.
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Bulochkaa


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