
Genasi are not a separate race, but rather people who have received a "blessing" from elemental forces of Halitus: The Realm of Elementals in a Singularity Equinox known as the Primordial Blessing 1200 years ago. All Genasi can trace their family lineage back to this equinox and their primordial blessing. Since humans are the dominant population in Eroedan, most Genasi tend to have human ancestry.  

The Purge

In some parts of Eroedon, they are revered. In others, they are feared.   Their current numbers are small due to the Eldradan-led purge of Genesi families almost 100 years ago. While many Cycles have passed since The Purge, it has not been forgotten. Those few Genesi who live in Edridan, do so in isolation from the rest of the population.   It is estimated that some 80% of Genesi were killed in The Purge.  


  Many Genesi reside in nations with a cultural emphasis on respecting the rule of nature, including RĂ­dhas, Arinor, Sognefjord, Olma Palis, and Falkoria. However, few Genesi live in Eldradan due to the purge or in Colandria due to the over-urbanization of Kingsport.   Very little is known about the Genesi in Falkoria due to their closed border.  


  Genesi are blessed in one of the Four Lines, with each able to control their particular element. It is rare to find a Genesi blessed in more than one lineage.
  • Fire
  • Air
  • Water
  • Earth
Tatoos The distinctive skin of the Genesi has all but disappeared through the generations. Only those with lineage attributed to strong bloodlines on both sides tend to have skin representative of their element. To compensate, it has been popular since the purge for genesi to identify them selves with coloured tatoos.


  According to the Academies, Genesi's magic falls under the Second Division category of Nature, alongside other wielders such as Elves, druids, and sorcerers.
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