The Patherfinder's Guild

The guild hall of The Pathfinders' Guild in North Quay, Windmere, is a defensible structure with sturdy stone walls, reinforced timber beams, and strategic defensive features such as arrow slits, watchtowers, and a fortified rooftop parapet. While its defensive design ensures the safety of guild members, the hall maintains an appealing aesthetic, serving as a secure haven for adventurers to gather, plan, and embark on their quests.   Guildmaster: Elysia Stormrider  Guild Officer:  Jordy Streg

Purpose / Function

Dedicated to the pursuit of adventure, exploration, and the shaping of destinies. Their purpose is to bring together brave and skilled adventurers, providing them with a centralized hub where they can find quests, form parties, and embark on thrilling journeys. The guild aims to facilitate the discovery of uncharted territories, the unravelling of ancient mysteries, and the protection of Ardmore.
Alternative Names
Adventurer's Guild
Parent Location