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A Midnight Raid

Plot: The PCs are all living in the same encampment as a nomadic tribe. Through various circumstances, they have all ended up in the same multi-racial tribe living together in peace and harmony. Recently, they have met many refugees passing through after the devastating dragon attack that resulted in the Great Sundering. The party is formed as a Kobold attack breaks out in the middle of the night after a great feast. Many of the tribes greatest warriors are either slain or seriously injured and the party joins the fray. Though they are not yet true warrior, they prove themselves in combat against the kobolds   Objectives: Defeat all encounters and help as many villagers as they can, from rescuing people from burning tents, to healing the wounded   Dialogue: The PCs will be asked to help by various villagers for assortment of aid   Timeline: The raid takes approximately an hour to complete with the remaining kobolds taking off back to their caves   Encounters: The party will face 1 moderate, 2 low encounters against Weak Kobold Warriors
Consequences: PCs will not die in this chapter, they will just be knocked unconscious. If all PCs are knocked unconscious, they awake the next day to most of the encampment being burned down and will recieve 5 GP less starting gear. For each villager they helped up to 3, they recieve 1 additional GP of starting equipment. The base amount is 10 GP, with any leftover GP going to generic monster parts


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