Asha Cross III

Lady regent & Archduchess of the Emerald Coast Asha Cross, III

Asha Cross the third is the daughter of Arnyr Cross, brother to Valar Cross II, the 37th High King of Cowenta. She is now Lady Asha Cross regent to the King and ruler of Vignile.  

Younger Life.

From her tender youth, Asha was incessantly reminded of her destined path to noble matrimony and the prospect of betrothal to a gallant suitor. Yet, the notion of wedlock failed to ignite her fervor. In the days of her adolescence, she frequented the gatherings convened by her uncle, the esteemed High King Valar II, defying the prohibitions laid upon her with a tenacity born of curiosity. Upon the appointment of her father, Arnyr, to the esteemed post of Lord of Vignile, the family relinquished their abode in the regal precincts of Kingslake. Amidst the tranquil environs of the coast, Asha immersed herself in scholastic pursuits, imbibing the intricacies of statesmanship and political prowess.



Upon reaching the threshold of her twenty-eighth year, Asha's world was upheaved by a fateful hunting mishap that befell her father. Deciding to withdraw from the rigors of public life at the relatively tender age of fifty-two, Arnyr's abrupt retirement cast Asha into the forefront as the sole heir to their esteemed lineage's dominion over Vignile. Embracing her newfound responsibilities with a dignified resolve, Asha ascended to her rightful title with a palpable sense of pride, assuming the mantle of regent to the king and duchess of the Emerald Coast. However, her unmarried status at such an age rendered her a subject of curious speculation, defying the conventional norms of her era.   As whispers of conjecture and innuendo swirled in the corridors of power, casting doubt upon her femininity and suitability for rule, Asha stood resolute against the tide of skepticism. Her steadfast governance and astute leadership belied the archaic notions that sought to confine her within the confines of traditional gender roles.
Current Location
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