

Vignile is often seen as an extension of Kingslake. The Large harbor takes shipping cargo from all over the world and from the it is carried by roads or the plank-boats that go up and down Deepland river.
Vignile's race is predominantly made up by humans with some half-elf and elves in rare quantities.
Religiously the cross family have always been prayers to the light rule, a religion that deems Uesis as the only true god as he sacrificed himself to give mortals light.
The wealth gap is quite big in vignile as it is historically a very capital based city. With them holding the second biggest bank of cowenta they controll much wealth. A lot of farm owners live in vignile while sourcing their farms to workers while they gain the wealth and then pay their workers through that.


Vignile is one of the great cities, with that the ruler has a seating at the Kings court in kingslake. Vignile itself is treated as a smaller monarchy where there's a Lord that governs and holds meetings with the cities aristocrats.


The city is built out from the Gray keep (Castle Gray) which is on the highest part of the land. Out from there are the three circular districts of wealth. High district and lower district that reaches the harbor.


Notable monuments:

  • Deepland Gates,huge gates at the base of Deepland river, there is the port of the plank-boats that bring supplies up to Bridgetown and Linghurst and eventually Kingslake.
  • Whiterose gardens, big garden with many exotic flora at the base of the Grey Keep
  • sundip avenue. A long road in the lower district, made up by many stores and buldings with exotic trades from all over the world.


Lower district & Harbor

Inns Tavern Wealth Range
Riverside inn yes 6.2
Sundown Inn no 5.9

Tavern Wealth Range
the Gray Bull 4.3
the garden and the fowl 7.4

Blacksmith Armorer Enchanter Wealth range
Logan's yes no 6.8

Market Type Wealth Range
Starfall Thrift 7.2
Travelers Bite Food 4.4
Anchor and sails Shipwright 6.4

Higher District

Inns Tavern Wealth Range
the Gray flower no 7.9

Tavern Wealth Range
the Melting pot 8.4

Blacksmith Armorer Enchanter Wealth range
Lightforge weapons no yes 8.8

Library Spell books Wealth Range
Capital Library yes 8


Vignile has been ruled by the cross family for as long as it has been standing in the emerald coast. First founded as a town in 780 AF it was a notable town, not for the town itself but because of the cross family. Famous for their devotion to uesis and theyr ferocious battle skills. The Cross family fought in great hulking and heavy steel armor and were said to be unbeatable in their time.
The city of Vignile did not become a city until 900 AF, after Rowlind Eremyte came to Morgen Cross and they founded an alliance. Rowlind hired the cross army as his not unlike you would hire a mercenary. Together they made a great name for Rowlind who would go on to become the first High king of Cowenta. Repaying Morgen Cross, he claimed Vignile was the first great city of Cowenta. that would lead the following cities to fall into service and validated Rowlinds claim as high king.
Vignile served the Eremyte family well as the harbor and sea connection to Kingslake for many years until in 3620 AF when Hagan cross betrayed High King Galiad Eremyte. Hagan was the kings right hand in his old age. Galiad was the last of the Eremyte family and was sick and senile. Hagan prophesied that when Galiad would pass a large civil war would take place for the throne. As he saw it Hagan was the kings right hand, and he felt he was the rightful heir to his king. Galiad disagreed. He wanted the highborn great families of cowenta to vote on who should take the crown, that wouldn't come to light until any years later. Furious Hagan cross plotted to Assassinate Galiad. And so he did, claiming the throne and setting an era of Cross Rule which still lasts to this day.


  • Vignile
Founding Date
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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