
Belotur was a half-orc who was an apprentice with a blacksmith. During his apprenticeship he had problems with the blacksmith's older apprentice, and Elf named Yinnan. He hated the fact that Yinnan was better than him, not acknowledging the fact that the elf had a few years of training on him. He thought that a half orc should be better than an elf at anything strength related, but here was this scrawny elf who could swing a hammer harder and with more accuracy. No matter how rude he acted towards him, Yinnan was never rude back to Belotur. Eventually Belotur realized that the things he had grown up hearing from his parents was wrong. He stopped insulting him and the two became friends. Together they honed their skills, practicing and critiquing each other's work until both of them had improved beyond where their teacher could help them. The pair decided to go into business together to create Fire Brand Blade Smith , which resulted in Belotur being kicked out of his home. Yinnan's parents took him into their home, never letting him feel out of place or unwanted, even after their deaths. The rest of his life, Belotur fought against the racism that had controlled much of his young life. He eventually died as an old half-orc, peacefully in the home that had previously belonged to Yinnan's parents.