Feathers and Fur

Fur and Feathers is a medium sized shop located in the Travelers Market and run by a half elf named Faelia. She keeps the shop stocked with a variety of supplies needed for the more traditional pets. Cats, dogs, parakeets, all the things needed for their care are here. She only employs staff that have a good knowledge about a variety of traditional pets, making them a good resource for people who need help deciding what they need, or people who have questions about their chosen pet.   The shop has some animals for sale, although exactly which animals depends highly on the breeding season and what animals are the easiest to keep in the store, but can put their customers in contact with someone who can provide exactly what they are looking for. As well as the basic supplies for each animal, they also have books, booklets, and pamphlets for sale detailing the care or history of the animals. They do not provide any direct veterinary services, but their knowledge and experience do make them the first stop for pet owners concerned about the health and wellbeing of their animals.