Travelers Market

The Travelers Market is one of the largest districts as far as land size. It used to be separated into the Travelers District and the Market District but there was so much overlap that the two were joined to create the Travelers Market. It is still possible to see where the divide was based on what services are available in which sections, but these distinctions grow more and more faint as time goes on. The area closest to the front gates is filled with inns, wagon salesmen, and sell swords offering to protect caravans. Deeper in the district there are market stalls and storefronts welling every item imaginable. They have a wide selection of items crafted within the district as well as imports from the docks. While other districts may have a wider variety of specialized items (ex: Fishing District has a better selections of types of nets), the Travelers Market has more items for sale than any of the others.

Industry & Trade


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