
Gill grew up in his brother's shadow for much of his life, though he hardly complained. He said that his brother being a half orc meant that the shadow had plenty of room to spare. He also said that being a human with a half orc older brother meant no one dared pick a fight with him. He had planned on following his brother to the Craftsmen District once he finished his master work sword. He would apprentice on another shop just long enough to learn about the different materials and be able to handle the business side of his brother's workshop. All of the came crashing down when Gurag was paralyzed.   Gill does still run a shop, but in the Tradesmen District, selling smithing supplies to others. While his brother was protective of him growing up, Gill is now repaying that debt. He has been arrested 3 times for fights, each time because someone was running their mouth about Gurag. He says that the fights would probably stop if he could just win one.