Hummingbird Pleasure House

This brothel, located on the edge of the Fishing District, near the Shipping District, has come under fire multiple times. It advertises that it offers many young elves, who are known to age slower as they enter puberty and have fewer physical indications of age. This results in an 18 year old elf looking more like a 12 or 13 year old human. They may grow slower physically, but mentally are on par with their human peers.  Many people have called for brothels not to allow elves to work in brothels until they appear more adult, but others have argued that it would be unfair to deny elves opportunities simply because it makes humans uncomfortable. Hummingbird Pleasure House often finds itself at the center of this debate. The majority of their workers leave once they start to appear more adult, and many have spoken honestly about what the patrons are looking for. Arguments both for and against places such as this one have been made with neither side feeling fully comfortable with any solution.    Hummingbird Pleasure House specifically has received some extra attention for the fact that the majority of the employees arrive on ships very young and work at the pleasure house until they are no longer pulling in as many customers. They are then fired from the house and left to fend for themselves, often with no skills outside of prostitution. Even though they bring in far more money than their human counterparts, when they leave the house with surprisingly little gold to their name.