Fishing District

The fishing district is considered the slums of Ansbridge and it is looked down on by many of the other districts. They say that you can tell if someone is from the fishing districts as soon as you get within ten feet of them based off the smell alone. Partly because of their treatment from other districts, citizens of the fishing district tend to be very loyal to their district and each other. It is said that the only person who can fight someone from the Fishing District is another resident. If anyone else tries, they will have to fight half the district. Politically, the fishing district is often considered a dead end. There has never been a Voice from the Fishing District in all of the history of Ansbridge.

Industry & Trade

Fish of all types and preparation are readily available in the Fishing District, although many of the fish are taken to Travelers Market to be sold or are bought by restaurants that have standing orders. Anything related to fishing can easily be found. Bait, nets, lines, small fishing boats, as well as items need to dry fish can be found around every corner.
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