Kenntnis Collections

Kenntnis Collections is the name given to the temples of Kenntnis Collections, one of the global gods of knowledge and history. These temples serve double duty, both as locations of active worship and also as libraries or museums that showcase a selection of the history of the world. There are three main areas of the temple that most people are aware of. The public collection, the reserve collection, and the restricted collection. Apart from that, there are a wide variety of lectures or classes available, some of which are free of charge and others must be paid for.  

Public Collection

The public collection is available for the public to browse for free, although there are boxes for coin donations at the door. The artifacts or books on display share the general history or information about the history or knowledge of the area. It would include basic books on different crafts, reproductions of artifacts, or maps of the area. It would not include any controversial or contested information, but only the agreed upon history or stories. Priests or acolytes will assist visitors and will help direct people to the resources they are looking for, gesturing towards the donation boxes as they do. They will also provide a greater level of help, but will make it clear that this is a paid service.  

Reserve Collection

This portion of the collection is only available to the public with a donation for an entrance fee of 3 silver. The information here is deeper in information, including more detailed versions of the information in the public collection. Here they would keep information that they may not want everyone to have access to, or information that they do not want people to have access to for free. This section is the way that they make the majority of their revenue. Additional help in this section works similar to the additional help in the public collection  

Restricted Collection

This is less of one area and more of a collection of small areas. In order to visit this section, a patron must meet with the priest and discuss the type of information or artifacts that they would like made available to them. A fee is then discussed and agreed upon. A room is then prepared for them, with the books or artifacts being placed in the room prior to the patron being led to the room. They are permitted access to this room for an agreed upon length of time, and then must exit the room.