Lizrem the Creator

Lizrem is the goddess of crafting, building, and enchanting of items. People will erect small shrines to her at their construction sites or in their workshops. Those working in workshops will ask her to bless their craft, that their product may be the best that it can. They will typically recite a prayer tailored to the item that they are working on. When people are doing large projects, such as buildings, a prayer is said to her at the start of the project, asking her to bless the construction and protect the workers from harm. Another prayer is said at the end of the project, typically while placing a ceremonial last piece of the project. This last piece is typically a stone, brick, or nail with prayers to Lizrem engraved on them and blessed at the temple. What prayer is placed on the item may depend on what the building is to be for. Some pray for the building to be strong, they may pray for a ship to be quick, or that a road remain open to all.

Divine Domains

Forge: The crafting of items, building them, bringing together separate pieces and making them one, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.   Arcane: Use of magic to strengthen or improve items, adding enchantments.


  • Build Date: People may celebrate the anniversary of finishing a large project, much like you would celebrate a birthday for a person. It is seen as a day to celebrate the item/building and to take the time to ensure that it will persist. For example, the owner of a house may celebrate the construction of it by cleaning and re-organizing their possessions within the house, fixing any small repairs needed, inspecting for any improvements, and once this is complete, saying a prayer that their house may continue to shelter them for the next year. Cities as a whole may celebrate specific structures built within them. These will typically include a festival for the structure as well as all of the maintenance on it. While this is typically thought of as a building's birthday, it can be done with items as well, particularly enchanted items or items of great value.
Divine Classification
Global God