Mourning Dew

Mourning Dew is a liquid produced via herbalism that uses a variety of other drugs to create its effect. It combines Crypt Thorn, Petals, Spring Orange, and various other drugs to create a unique experience. Each batch of Mourning Dew varies in its exact makeup, and batches of Mourning Dew that are brewed by different herbalists will vary greatly on both ingredients and the effects. Typically when someone becomes addicted to Mourning Dew they will seek to get it from the same herbalist every time as they want to get the same effect. They may speak with other users and decide that they want to get a batch from someone else because that herbalists brew gives a more euphoric feeling, or another herbalist uses more crypt thorn so they avoid more of the pain. Some people will even find that they care about the crypt thorn in it more than they do the feeling of euphoria and will switch to using straight crypt thorn instead.

History & Usage


Mourning dew was first developed it was seen as a way to guide a person through the grief of losing a loved one, hence the name. The goal was to deaden the sensations of loss while bringing the good memories to the front. The patient would initially take a high dose to help them adjust to the loss and then be weaned off as they were able to accept the loss. This never happened and the majority of those who started using it never wanted to go off of it. The experiments were discontinued and it was decided that grief should be dealt with the usual way. All experimentation with Mourning Dew was outlawed when all experiments using Crypt Thorn were outlawed, although few people were experimenting with mourning dew by that time.

Everyday use

People who use mourning dew are not seen as a danger to society, but more as a thing of pity. They typically started using mourning dew following a traumatic loss that they have been unable to get over. While the situation is sad, it is seen that they are choosing to throw their lives away chasing that memory instead of moving on in any sort of productive way. There are some people who do get off of it, but it is not typical. Some people do manage to use it without becoming addicted. They will often choose to use it on specific days, such as their loved one's birthday, their anniversary, or the anniversary of their death.


Because Mourning Dew has several other drugs inside of it, the hazards associated with it are much the same as the hazards associated with those drugs. Crypt Thorn produces the greatest risk, which is why there is often a very limited amount of it in each dose. Mourning Dew can be very addictive, both psychologically and physiologically.


Trade & Market

People who buy Mourning Dew will typically buy it from the same person every time because the variances in the potion can be different. They will have one specific dealer that they buy from. This is not typically an "entry level" drug, and generally those who decide to use it already have connections with a dealer. Because it typically contains Crypt Thorn, it can be more difficult to obtain than other drugs.

Law & Regulation

The guards will prosecute people for having, using, or selling Mourning Dew. They see many people who end up with Crypt Thorn addictions start off with Mourning Dew and see the heavy prosecution of Mourning Dew as a good way to prevent more people from becoming addicted to Crypt Thorn.


This can vary greatly based on the specific blend that you happen to get. It can draw from Crypt Thorn, Petals, or Spring Orange. There can be some guesses as to what it more strictly follows, but it is still a guessing game.
1-5 gold per dose depending on strength and specifications
Uncommon, but easily obtained if you know the right person
Bitter citrus, but with a sweet aftertaste
Different shades of purple depending on the makeup of it.