
Petals, as the name suggests, is made of the petals from a selection of different types of flowers that grow native in the Ervelt Region. The petals are typically harvested and then dried before being mixed together to create a specific blend. The end result looks like a potpourri made of deep purples, maroons, and reds. It can be either used alone, but it is typically used in tandem with other drugs to negate or enhance an effect that they have. With Crypt Thorn  it can make the user feel some things, with Spring Orange it makes the feelings of euphoria more intense. It is also one of the main ingredients in Mourning Dew    Petals is also used medically to counteract the effects of Lost Dust to create a more smooth transition off of the drug. After the procedure is finished, the medic will burn a small amount of Petals near the patient. This counteracts the effects of the Lost Dust. Typically it is mixed with willow bark, which helps prevent some of the nausea that people feel.

History & Usage


Petals were first used to counteract the effects of Lost Dust during medical procedures. People noticed that it was able to interact with other drugs as well. It was studied as a way to wean people off of Crypt Thorn and Mourning Dew, but these were met with failure. Specifically with Crypt Thorn it lessoned their sense of effectiveness of the drug, causing them to take more. When experiencing withdraw Petals intensified the sensation of pain. It was helpful at reducing the use of stimulants such as Shadow's Itch and Spring Orange, resulting in the person getting the same experience with a lower dose of the more dangerous drugs. This is not an approved treatment, but there are no official rules preventing this from happening as long as the person is qualified to distribute Petals medically.

Everyday use

People do believe that too much use of Petals can be dangerous, and they certainly aren't going to encourage their children to try them, but they are not seen as being nearly as dangerous as many of the other drugs. The concern with Petals is more that the users will begin mixing other drugs with them to get a more intense feeling. Those drugs are still seen as the issue rather than Petals. There is no stigma related to Petals being used medically, and rarely do people suggest that the use of Petals medically leads to people seeking out Petals.


Petals themselves are rarely seen as too dangerous, their harm comes more from the different drugs that they are taken with. On their own they increase the person's reactions to stimulus. This is typically seen as a positive, but taking too much can result in a light touch feeling as though the person is being stabbed. It is not physiologically addictive, but it can be very psychologically addictive. When getting off of Petals the person often feels as though they are viewing a muted world where nothing seems as intense as they are used to.    When used in a medical setting there are few hazards or risks as the amount given is a low dose and under close medical supervision.


Trade & Market

When being used medically, Petals are easy to obtain and are not as tightly controlled as Lost Dust. Licensed herbalists grow, harvest, and dry the petals and create their own personal blend. They must keep track of the doses that are given, but they are not required to measure them with every use. This is also partly because they will add additional petals to burn if the patient does not seem to be waking up as quickly as expected.    Illegally, Petals are not hard to obtain. Petals are not typically used alone, but instead are mixed with other drugs to heighten the effect of them. Typically anyone who is using Petals already has a connection to a dealer. If they are uncertain about the effects of a new drug, they may take it with some Petals so that they experience a greater sensation with less risk.

Law & Regulation

Licensed medical providers and herbalists will have their stock inspected and records checked. Nearly every place licensed to use Petals is also licensed to use Lost Dust, so they will typically be inspected at the same time. Petals are not as tightly controlled, so the inspection is much shorter.    When dealing with the illegal use of Petals, guards are typically more concerned with the other drugs that they are being mixed with, unless it is a minor drug like Cat's Nip  or Minnow. The person found with the drug may face jail time to be spent in the local guard house, but a dealer would face time on Skeleton Isle Prison
Legally: Included in the price of procedure, Illegally 3-8 silver per dose
Legally: Common and widely available. Illegally, common, easy to obtain from a dealer
Like a fragrant potpourri, but an old one that maybe has sat out too long and should be replaced.
Like potpourri smells, which is not as pleasant as expected
Deep purples, maroons, and red