Red Jack

Red Jack is a blood-red tiefling who previously lead a gang known as Red Jack Nomads. Red Jack himself was known as The Demon of the Golden Road, a title he earned by being more viscous than any other gang leader. Red Jack was known for leading from the front, accompanying his men into the middle of any fight. He fought with them, he bled with them, and he slaughtered anyone who would get in their way. Before any battle with other gangs or with the guards he would call out to them and taunt them, asking where their leader was. He would say that he was right here, ready to fight and kill for his men, but their leaders were cowards.    Red Jack was ruthless when it came to those who opposed him. For him it was not enough to kill an enemy, an example must be made from them. This was especially true of anyone that he considered a traitor. He would leave mangled corpses out in the middle of the road for all to see, or mail them back to their family piece by piece. Anyone who dared to challenge him was certain to meet a painful and bloody end.   That was until Sophia Cross killed him. She did what other leaders had failed to do. She sent letters directly to Red Jack, challenging him to a dual. She did not challenge the Nomads, but Red Jack himself. No guards, no trickery, just a one on one dual between the most powerful force for good and the terror of the streets. Everyone told him not to accept, that it would be foolish, but Red Jack knew he had to. She had made the decree public, the whole of the city would know if he backed down from the fight, so he didn't.    Red Jack arrived at the agreed upon battlefield, flanked by his men. Sophia appeared on her side, guardsmen staying 30ft back from her position. Both sides agreed that their men would not come to blows unless the other started it. After a long and bloody battle, Red Jack fell, Sophia's sword stabbed deep into his chest. Some of the guards made a move to attack the gang, but Sophia held her hand up. She abided by the rules of their agreement, the gang members were allowed to walk away, unharmed by the guards.
2008 2050 42 years old