Red Jack Nomads

Red Jack Nomads was an organization that used to strike fear into the hearts of travelers along The Golden Road. The former leader was known as Red Jack, The Demon of the Golden Road. Under his leadership they were the most powerful and wealthy gangs that originated in Ansbridge. They nearly ruled parts of the Travelers Market and The Golden Road, not even the guards dared to stop them. Red Jack himself led the gang in revenge killings and territorial disputes, often putting himself on the front lines while the leaders of other gangs hid behind their personal guards.   When Red Jack was slain by Sophia Cross the organization was shaken to its very core. The second in command, a Goliath named Saber, attempted to take charge of the organization. Saber tried to emulate Red Jack's style of leadership, but soon found he lacked the respect of his men. Many people fled the organization, others turned themselves into the guards for the promise of leniency. Saber was eventually captured by the guards and put in Skeleton Isle Prison where he remains.   After Saber was captured, another former member briefly took over the Red Jack Nomads. He was a figure known as Reaper, a name he both earned and wore as a badge of honor. Little is known about this figure, even his race remains a mystery as he was always shrouded in a black hooded cloak. It is said that even Red Jack himself feared Reaper, though he never let is show. His time running the Nomads was brief. He led a swath of destruction against those he felt wronged them and then vanished into the night. He was never found, never captured, and is believed to still be out there somewhere.    The organization does continue to exist, but as a shadow of its former self. They now do mostly petty crime within the city, but hope to recapture some small amount of their former glory. They are seen as a joke by many of the more powerful gangs that control portions of the Traveler's Market.
Illicit, Gang