Rollo Kellett

Rollo Kellet is a human who was born and raised in the fishing district. He grew up helping his father fish and then began setting out on his own once he was old enough. He continued to fish until his late 20's when an accident at sea shattered his left leg. He never recovered well enough return to fishing and instead began hanging out at one of the local taverns that was frequented by fishermen. Now he owns a similar establishment, The Ocean Tide and still listens to sailors tell their fish stories. Now in his late 60's, his injury is catching back up with him. He has walked with a noticeable limp ever since the accident, but now arthritis and age are catching up to him. While he is still a very active presence in his tavern, Rollo has been giving more and more of his duties to other staff members and spending more time sitting on the sidelines.   Rollo often comes off as gruff and unlikable at first. He speaks harshly to people, but everyone who knows him insists that he is actually a big softy. He does care about those around him, but rarely comes out and says anything. He is more likely to yell at Thenna to go home and not even think about coming back until that kid of hers is better than to tell her that she can have the day off. He takes pride in the fact that he notices things that others miss, which has helped him in numerous situations over the years.
Current Location
Dark brown
Was back, now streaks of different greys
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and leathery from years at sea
Ruled Locations