The Ocean Tide

The Ocean Tide is a tavern with attached inn run by Rollo Kellett . It is mainly visited by fishermen that are ashore and has become one of the go-to spots to discuss fishing and find crew. It is known for having hardy food that will keep you full for hours and strong ale. The attached inn has rooms available for rent for the day, week, or until the next fishing season starts.    There is a rotating cast of regulars and employees who can be found in The Ocean Tide, most of it just depending on what fishing season it is. Fishermen are known to take jobs at The Ocean Tide when they need to be off the ship for a while, such as following the birth of their child or when caring for an ailing loved one. The crews of big fishing ships will often spend their downtime at The Ocean Tide, especially after they have spent most of their coin elsewhere and realize they need to be conservative with it until they go back out. This rotating batch keeps things fresh at the pub. Some people have noted that, even with so many people coming in and out, there rarely seems to be trouble inside those walls. Others have even noted that the local gang, Kings of the Fisherman District, seems to leave the place alone.    Full Time Employees:While there are many that come in and out, these are the people that can be found there most every day.
  • Dash: Bartender, tends to be a little brash, but is likable. 
  • Thenna: Waitress. She is warm and motherly to many of the sailors, but will also knock them flat on the ground if they give her trouble. That hasn't happened in years, it hasn't had to happen in years.
  • Petrok Rowe: Cook. He tends to stay in the back, rarely interacting with customers unless it is someone he already knows.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Characters in Location

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